Scientists haven't found all the reasons and connections, but they agree that socialization and the practice of appropriate martial arts exercizes that stimulate the patient's mental activities also foster the connection between the neurons in the brain. By practicing closely-picked martial arts exercizes (e.g. Tai Chi, aikido, karate, kung fu, tae kwon do, capoeira), this activity will reduce general symptoms of depression and improve the cognitive functions of elderly patients. For this reason, it is recommended to practice during morning hours because this is when patients are least upset and their cognitive functions are at their highest level.
The caregiver (in this case, the martial arts professional) needs to be aware of certain important details such as: the patient should be able to practice in a yard or the nearest park and, at the same time, put away any unnecessary things. The patient should be able to take on other outdoor activities along with martial arts. When walking, he/she should be given a cane or a walker. Whenever possible, one should avoid steps or other possible obstacles. The living environment should be adjusted to the patient's needs and one should take away all objects that might be in the way (chairs, lamps), take off all unnecessary pictures and mirrors from the walls (the patients aren't able to recognize themselves). The comfort of the space should be a priority as well as giving the patient enough light because they are often afraid of the dark. The bathroom should also be adapted and one should help the patient when using the toilet. It is important to make sure that the patient doesn't lock himself/herself, that he/she doesn't leave the water or the stove on.
Food and drinks should be prepared and given in the patients' hands because they won't take them on their own from the table. Several smaller and diverse meals should be adjusted to their needs. When they forget or lose something, don't be angry with them and don't yell. One should definitely help them get dressed or changed. If they are walking with you around the apartment (around the dojo or fitness), it means that they are afraid or scared of some noise or sound.
The caregiver should be thoughtful, kind and patient. It is especially important that the front door or the apartment door is locked and the key is stored (it is also good to put a poster on the door so that the patient doesn't think this is the exit).