Of great additional significance is the effect that HP nebulization has on improving and sometimes even completely resolving abnormal gut function in patients suffering for years with different medical syndromes. As the HP nebulization eradicates the colonized pathogens and their toxins in the nose and throat that would otherwise be swallowed “24/7”, striking improvements are often realized in leaky gut and irritable bowel syndromes.
Gluten and food allergies can also resolve or dramatically lessen in some individuals. Generally, most gut problems are only chronic because the swallowing of pathogens and toxins is chronic as well. And when the microbiome in the gut can be normalized or dramatically improved along with the resolution of a leaky gut, dramatic improvements can be seen in nearly any chronic disease process taking place elsewhere in the body.
Additional Therapies
While HP nebulization has already proven itself as an effective monotherapy for even advanced COVID, the utilization of other highly effective therapies is completely appropriate and should never be avoided when they are available, as they all work well together.
The most important and effective therapies are the bio-oxidative therapies, which include HP, vitamin C, ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Vitamin C is the perfect companion therapy to HP, since their mechanisms of anti-pathogen action are intimately intertwined and synergistic inside infected cells.
Repeated intravenous administrations of vitamin C are optimal, but oral multigram dosing of regular or liposome-encapsulated vitamin C throughout the day should always be done when IV vitamin C is not available.
Ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are all effective treatments as well. They are just not as readily available as HP and vitamin C. Additional natural adjunctive agents for dealing with any infection include sufficient vitamin D from sunshine and supplementation, natural vitamin A, magnesium chloride, and zinc. Many other natural agents are also of benefit, and an exhaustive list will not be presented here.
Highly effective prescription agents include ivermectin, chloroquine, and hydroxychloroquine.
Useful clinic/hospital-based treatments include the administration of convalescent plasma, monoclonal antibody preparations, and/or nonspecific immunoglobulins.
To be clear, even more therapies are available as well. The ones mentioned above are some of the most common and most clearly effective therapies. A simple and practical approach that would be available to most individuals, assuming a physician is willing to provide the needed prescription help, would be ivermectin, chloroquine, or hydroxychloroquine, along with HP nebulization and either IV and/or oral vitamin C.