As the pandemic that started at the beginning of 2020 continues to thrive, the urgency to find effective treatments has continued to escalate. And for whatever reasons, many exceptionally good therapies have already emerged that still remain to be accepted and utilized by most healthcare providers.
Tragically, some of these therapies have been actively undermined, suppressed, and even made illegal. Most of these therapies utilize natural agents that simply work to strengthen the immune system and augment its natural ability to combat infections of any kind. However, some prescription drugs have also been found to be very effective in resolving respiratory viral infections, including the infection resulting from the COVID pathogen.
Even with all of these effective therapies available, there has been a continued push to vaccinate everybody as the optimal way to end or “control” the pandemic. And without even addressing the “pros and cons” of vaccinations for COVID, or any other infection, the following question needs to be asked:
Why is a vaccine necessary when the targeted infection can readily be prevented, or if still contracted, easily cured?
The Priority is not the Patient
The honest answer to the question above is unpleasant at best. Healthcare has always been, and remains, a business. As with all businesses, the primary goal is always to sustain, and if possible, to continually increase profitability. The direct consequence of this is that no treatment will ever be employed under the current healthcare system that does not generate substantial and even ridiculously enormous profits. The number of hardworking individuals across the planet that have had the financial security of their families forever destroyed from feeding this all-consuming and largely insensitive healthcare system is huge. And it does not even matter if the patients suffer and die anyway. The profits are never impacted.
When any simple and highly effective therapy is available, there is always a cry for large prospective studies validating its effectiveness and safety. At first blush, this is a very reasonable response to the introduction of any “new” therapy. However, such studies are incredibly expensive. As such, highly effective natural therapies that are inexpensive (and nontoxic) will never generate the money needed to conduct such studies.
Of course, no pharmaceutical company will financially support a study that can never result in large, sustained profits. At this point, then, the “fix” is in. Nothing new will ever be adopted and championed that is of no significant expense, even for the poorest of patients. What is even worse is the extent to which those in charge of healthcare policy will go to keep such therapies from being available or even legally permissible. Remember the following point when trying to appreciate these issues:
There is more politics in medicine than there is in politics.
Defeating the Pandemic
by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD