Masters of Health Magazine September 2020 | Page 86

But what does all this have to do with the death of a nation? Everything! As I go from state to state in the USA, I see stores closed that will never open again. Restaurants closed that will never open again. A recent news headline said, “53% of all restaurants are closed for good.” Millions of people are newly unemployed with little chance of getting another job if this lock down continues much longer. People are walking around with their faces behind their masks; worried eyes staring out. I told my wife, “It’s like watching Night of the Living Dead!” Masks are even becoming a fashion statements with diamond studs and flags adorning them – How sad that they have so soon become an accessory to the fashion-conscious world.

All of this has been foisted upon our nation by a tiny minority of public officials, most of whom are not even elected. In addition, they are using flawed or unproven science to make these disastrous public health policies. Even worse is the frequent change of course that is keeping the public confused and even more fearful. Wear masks – don’t wear masks. Wear masks everywhere – don’ wear masks outside while exercising. Wear masks where you can’t social distance – now you must wear a mask while on a zoom call even if you are by yourself in your own home so you will be a good example! Where does this absurdity end!?

The whole lockdown decision was mostly the result of Dr. Ferguson of Great Britain presenting a computer modeling of what he thought would happen, which has since been proven to be wildly inaccurate. His thesis was not even challenged, or peer reviewed for consensus among other professionals. It was basically applied whole cloth globally without a whimper.

Sweden never locked down or required masks; and they have now reached herd immunity where their new COVID-19 cases are next to nothing. They have had the same amount of deaths this year from all Corona Viruses as they have had every other year. They didn’t lose their economy; they still have their restaurants, and they have managed to maintain high employment numbers. Most of their shops are still in operation and they don’t live in fear. Some use masks, but it is not required. People are allowed to do their own risk assessment and determine for themselves if they wear one or not.

We now have 8 months of data to refer to in observing how the virus operates. We have seen that most of the expectations of how many deaths would occur have not materialized. We now know that children are mostly unaffected by the virus and are highly unlikely to be contagious to even adults. Yet, most Teacher’s Unions will not allow schools to open. Statistically, there is more risk for a child to die in a car accident on the way to school than it is to die from COVID-19 contracted at school.

We now know that over 75% of the deaths occur in the elderly with an average age of 78 years, which interestingly matches the life expectancy in the USA of 78 years old. In other words, most of these COVID 19 deaths have been among people who statistically were destined to pass away within a year by other co-morbid conditions. We also now know that the total death rate from all Corona Viruses for this “Flu Season” is basically the same as any other year. I don’t want to sound crass, but old people die, and at 67, I am becoming more and more aware of that fact.

I recently read a beautiful letter from a 90 year old woman that said, “Please do not shut down the dreams and enjoyments of life for the younger people in our nation just because you are trying to give me a few more years of life. I have had a full life and enjoyed so many beautiful places and experiences that are currently being denied the younger generations. Do not make them stop living because of me. I have drunk life to the full and I want them to be able to experience the same!” What a beautiful sentiment!