Could PTSD
be Causing Your Sagging Sex Life?
By Dr. Jamie Turndorf, Ph.D.
Recently, I began reflecting on a hunch that most people with PTSD also suffer sexual dysfunction.
This idea came to me because I know that PTSD is caused by HPA-Axis dysfunction. (The HPA-Axis refers to the primary neuro-biochemical stress response network that involves both the central nervous and endocrine systems. HPA-Axis dysfunction, hippocampal volume, and endogenous opioid function are technical terms that describe total adrenal burnout. Burnout is the end result of the body being trapped too long in fight-flight mode--also known as sympathetic arousal.)
Because I know that HPA-Axis dysfunction is linked to sexual dysfunction, I was sure that I would find a lot of research discussing the concurrence of PTSD and sexual dysfunction.
But, when I began digging into the research, I was alarmed by what I uncovered: a notable lack of scientific research on the topic of PTSD and sexual dysfunction.
I found one small mention of the concurrence of PTSD and sexual dysfunction on the VA website:
"PTSD impairs sexual functioning across multiple domains: desire, arousal, orgasm, activity, and satisfaction. The most commonly reported problems were erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and overall sexual disinterest.”
Though it is more common than not for those with PTSD to experience sexual dysfunction in all aspects of sexual functioning including desire, arousal, activity, orgasm and satisfaction, I began to wonder why the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the DSM-5 don’t even mention sexual dysfunction in their extensive list of PTSD diagnostic criteria symptoms, especially considering that research shows that 85% of male combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD reported erectile dysfunction, compared with a 22 percent rate among male combat Veterans without any mental health diagnosis.
Another study of 90 male combat veterans with PTSD found more than 80 percent were experiencing sexual dysfunction.
To complicate matters, most of the limited research focuses on sexual dysfunction among male veterans.
What about female veterans and sexual dysfunction?
Winning the War on PTSD