Masters of Health Magazine September 2019 | Page 86

How did Higher Energies of God stop flowing from us?

Higher Beings that created these “locks” are thinner in substance (think of an elf or faery godmother) than humans are. If these Higher Beings locked up something precious, it would be silly to guard it with a steel lock that we use today, as Higher Beings can slip right into what is impenetrable to us.

How would Higher Evolved Beings keep subtle and quantum energies blocked? Sound, colors, lights and shapes would tangle energies, like creating huge knots in infinitesimal strings… in our modern String Theory.

Sound Codes – the Sephiroth Attunements

Ancient Sound Codes

were carved in stone

for us to utilize!

Most ancient texts were musical scripts that were sung for easy memorization of them. The Bibal group, many distinguished scholars, interpret old texts such as the Old Testament and other ancient scripts and recreate music and deeper/hidden meanings from them. The numbers, letters, dots and dashes had musical, numerical and symbolic meanings.

Ancient languages were all considered to be a subdivision of All That Is or God’s energies. Most religious traditions credit creation with sound and the spoken word. Letters and words were believed to be audible versions of other energies, not part of symbolic communication.

To understand their way of thinking, recall cymatics, in which one can see the sacred sound of OM create the shape in loose sand that is used to denote OM in the ancient Hindu tradition. The sound and the symbol were different octaves of the same energies.

The Sepiroth are depicted with the letters of the ancient Hebrew languages, and are thumbprints of the actual Higher Divine Energies. Further, the entire set of letters in the ancient Hebrew languages represent the gamut of God’s Creational Energies.

Please experience the video on the right to experience a Sephiroth attunement in sound. The entire collection of the sephiroth sound attunements is at Scroll down the page to find the class, Deep Egyptian Secrets & Magic Class. Unlock the gates to these Higher Dimensional Energies!

Pythagoras was quotes as saying, “All is Number!” Just what does that mean? Everything is energy. Energy vibrates. The pace of pulsations of energies can be counted and we call them frequencies. Think that String Theory is correct. All is number, expressed as vibrating strings (frequencies) or our world or other dimensions.

The Sephiroth are numbered from 1 to 10, and are considered archetypes, that is each one is an experience or consciousness that is known to all of humanity. The Sephiroth Energies are the building blocks of the Higher Blueprint of Divine Energies!

What are Blueprints of Energies?

Imagine being in a gym where jocks think “good” is how fast you run and yet in another group “good” is getting an A on an exam. When in the presence of other like-minded people, similar thoughts combine and create waves: delta, alpha, beta or theta brain wave patterns. These waves ripple into the environment and it becomes difficult to think differently than others in a like-minded group.