Good Vibrations Video – explains basic tenets of BioAcoustic Biology
Miracles of nonMedicine – doctors who have worked with BioAcoustic Biology
If Dan Brown, Tom Hanks or Ron Howard want to make a leap in what the public needs to know about authentic secret codes that will change the course of history for mankind, they will need to include this information in their next movie.
Sylvia Franke, in her book The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail, identified Sharry as a "modern keeper of the Holy Grail" information. If you ever meet Sharry in person and experience the very eerie, exhilarating, tingling sensations that happen to your body, down to its core, when she "sings" your tones for you - you will never forget the experience. Using this very esoteric talent she has been able to demonstrate scientifically how it is possible to entrain the magnetic potential of your RNA. Sharry uses the architectural codes of a structure that creates the Templar Cross as its shadow.
Sharry Edwards was once asked to vacate a speaking spot at an international sound healing conference because one of the organizers, a nationally proclaimed sound healer, deemed that she had no musical talent. Actually, Sharry has one of the most rare musical talents on the planet. She can hear and vocalize your Signature Sound; a frequency representation of all that you are. That unique talent, substantiated by Johns Hopkins University as an oto-acoustic emission, has been used to create many medical outcomes that resemble Star Trek medicine while it simultaneously unites and explains how the diVinci codes can be used to explain the math-matrix based biomarkers that provide a pathway to health and well-being.
Sharry has provided Signature Sounds, beyond those associated with your birthday, to those who have the vision to embrace her work; including many celebrities. Her talents have been used in government experiments, court proceedings, as a basis for a series of software programs that are changing the face of medicine and to distort the perception of time.
Join us to hear about the transition from esoteric talents to the scientific exploration of a new paradigm of medicine that will shake you at your core if you are serious about energy medicine, make you cry with joy if you "remember" how this method was used in the "time before" and certainly change your world if you are curious about how we came to be.
Here is the latest documentary showing proof of Math as Medicine as Leonardo daVinci predicted:
Star Trek Medicine Unites daVinci Code Secrets