Masters of Health Magazine September 2017 | Page 117

With the Miracle iQube brain training system, every cell in your body will be imprinted at a deeper level with higher frequencies. You will retrain out the stress patterns creating deep relaxation, creativity, and inner peace. You will begin to see, think, and create more clearly. By raising your frequency to a new octave, the decalcification of the pineal gland (opening your third eye) will accelerate with the Miracle iQube more than any other iQube system. This is due to the enhanced imprinting capabilities of the triple nested scalar vortex.

Synergistic Scalar Energy Technology shifts your vibration while you

sleep, work, relax and play.


Harmonizes your health & your environment

RELAX into the field of Coherent, Calm Zero point harmony. Plug & play, 24×7, Scalar, Sound, Inert Noble Gas Technology wraps your environment and your being in a coherent zero point energy field. Free coherent vibrational energy support delivered right into your home 24×7. You just go about the business of creating your life with clarity, coherence and love. It does the rest to support you energetically.