Masters of Health Magazine October 2022 | Page 91

Another important factor is a decline in immunity known as immunosenescence. An immunity decline in aged people results in increased vulnerability to disease, cancer, infectious disease, and diminished response to vaccination.  This is why vaccinating the elderly against Covid-19 does not make sense.

The elderly are often deficient in vitamins such as A, C, E, beta-carotene, and minerals such as zinc and iron. Over the past two years, we have observed that it is far better to be well nourished.  These deficiencies with bad medical treatment are why many seniors died after being vaccinated.  They did not have any natural protection. Normally Natural Killer cells (NK) activity is the first line of defense against cancer.  Lost immunity from aging is common in industrial countries, while NK cell cytotoxicity (apoptosis) is well-preserved in centenarians of various countries such as Japan, Okinawa, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, Humza, and Crete.  These factors are associated with diet and lifestyle. NK cell activity observed in healthy aged people in Western countries is a sign of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The Aging Process Begins Long Before the Chronological Age


During my years of research, I spent a great deal of time with my patients using iridology as a tool to detect early aging signs.   


(1)     I found that many aged prematurely.  Aging factors open the door to degenerative disease and change in our bodies long before age 60 or 62.  Studies have shown many degenerative disease processes can begin in a person as early as 20 years of age.

Figure 1 – Older vs Younger Than Chronological Age