Education today does not have a clear, human-centred goal, however well its economic ones have been established. Children are exhibiting alarming levels of dysfunction; teachers report frequent frustrations; conflicts erupt demonstrating the divergent views between politicians, administrators, institutions, educators and parents. No one needs to be reminded that the Covid pandemic is presenting greater challenges to education and exacerbating many of the pre-existing ones.
Education that imparts only limited knowledge creates limited people with limited capacities and limited views.
Now is the time for all stakeholders in education to ask fundamental questions about the purpose of education, the function of education in society, how different types of knowledge should be integrated, how totality of education is defined, how to engage the whole human being in education, and how a human being attains true realization, and total consciousness. We aim to gather together the best thinkers and practitioners in the world to create a new global policy for better and total education. A clear vision which answers the fundamental questions of education will be evolved.
The purpose, principles and methods of the educational system all vary to a great extent from nation to nation. The world lacks a unified vision of education that roots us in the shared human experience. Our common human nature should bring us together; through the educational process, students should be able to understand the interconnectedness of all life.
We call upon the international community to join us in drafting a Global Education Policy that achieves the humanistic aspirations of education, regardless of (or adaptable to) geography, culture, economics, language, ability, and belief.
The policy would be rooted in the best of today’s educational philosophies, scientific thought, and modern practices. Through our consultative process, the policy will be proposed to governments worldwide, as well as the UN.
A Global Education Policy for Total Consciousness
: the Context