Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 46

A 98% reduction of exposure to toxic chemicals would drastically reduce our health issues in America. Studies show that 90% of childhood cancers are from environmental causes such as pesticides. What if a 98% reduction in exposure to toxins in the food that we consume daily resulted in just a 50% reduction in cancer and chronic illness? That would mean a savings of at least $1.5 trillion a year. A worthy investment to make.


But how could just the 1.2% of the vegetable and fruit cropland account for so much pesticide exposure? Consider data from the Pesticide Action Network which shows that an apple can have, on average, 47 different chemicals on it if it is not organic. This toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails is not sustainable, it is degenerative.

We can fund these farmers to convert to organic even better, regenerative organic. We can prevent and reduce further loss of our loved ones.


In 2020 the US government gave out $50 billion (typically $20 billion) in subsidies to farmers, predominantly growing GMO, synthetic chemically farmed, toxic crops. Requiring that those funds are used to convert to organic with regenerative practices in the coming years, even providing additional funds would be a worthy investment to prevent a catastrophe of human life. If we can give 10 trillion in bailouts to businesses and states because of COVID, we can support our farmers with a small percent of that in their efforts to make our country healthier.  


What happens if we do not fund farmers to make the switch?

 We must look at the current cost first. Since we cannot place a value on human life, on the moments that are priceless to us, such as our mother being with us as we give birth; our fathers walking us down the aisle; our child living to attend their college graduation; and then to give birth themselves and experience the profound love of having one’s child... we can only assess the value of health care costs.


The United States health care costs in 2019,pre-COVID, totaled $3.8 trillion.We are spending more money on healthcare than is sustainable. We cannot afford to continue to allow toxins in our food supply and subsequently increase the health care costs of our nation. The costs could bankrupt us, diminish our global security, and endanger democracy in America.


It’s time for our Senators, Representatives, Governors, Presidents, and policymakers to have the courage to tell Big Ag lobbyists that we can no longer afford their toxic chemicals. As a country we need to demand healthier alternatives and motivate Big Ag to move towards supporting organic instead.


In the meantime, until our government takes action, if you have the means to invest in organic farming and the future of our great nation, please considerIroquois Valley Farms REIT


Moms Across America wishes to acknowledge and thank the Heartland Health Research Alliance team and urge our supporters to support their continued endeavors.

You can donate to their research here.


We have a solution