Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 15

Encouraging Donations

What if $25 could save a species…

an ecosystem…

a life?


Let me explain how a donation of just $25 (ideally per month) can be leveraged into what may be your greatest return on investment EVER.


If youve seen the 16-minute film, Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle, you already know that:


●     The world was just two weeks away from the release of genetically modified (GM) bacteria that could have theoretically ended terrestrial plant life.


●     Despite the pandemic, genetic engineers continue to enhance pathogens which, if they escaped, could create even deadlier outbreaks.


●     This generation could see the massive release of GM microbes, which could irreversibly damage or collapse ecosystems.


Protect Nature Now is working to prevent BOTH gain-of-functionexperiments on potentially pandemic pathogens AND outdoor release of any GM microbes.


Please join our team and let us work on your behalf.