Masters of Health Magazine October 2020 | Page 50

The Great Astrological Conjunction of 2020: Changing Times

by Barry Eaton

When Bob Dylan wrote and recorded his iconic song “The Times They are a-Changin” back in 1963, in the time of the US race riots, little did he realise that his lyrics would also be forecasting the tumultuous events of 2020.

One of the big hurdles astrologers face is that most people dismiss astrology as three of four lines in a newspaper and regard it as mere fortune telling. However there is so much more to astrology whether it is for personal development or global understanding. We are all energy beings attached to a physical body for a human experience, and also part of the cosmic energy of the universe. As such, the movement of the planets in our solar system has an impact on the people and countries on our planet. Editors Note: (The Inner and outer environments are inseparable).

In early January, Saturn and Pluto (two outer planets), arrived at exactly the same degree, in the constellation of Capricorn. This conjunction triggered off a series of shattering events. Using archetypes, astrology associates the energy of Saturn with structure, authority, governance, traditions, boundaries, and what I term as ‘the establishment’ in its many forms. Pluto represents transformation, usually on a big scale. Basically it is the death of the old for the birth of the new. Quite often, this can manifest from a volcanic type eruption of repressed or buried emotions and events.

It was always going to be a dramatic confrontation for these planets because of the location in Capricorn, which adds another layer of Saturnian energy (being the ruler of Capricorn).

The last time this particular conjunction happened was in 1517, which proved to be the catalyst for the Reformation, which saw the structure and the authority of the Catholic Church transformed by the Protestant movement. Church and State were both severely impacted in the aftermath over the following 20 years.