Masters of Health Magazine October 2019 | Page 73

Nature-made pathogens appear to have diffused patterns of unrelated frequencies while man-made pathogens have a more fixed pattern; making them identifiable as synthetic. In the past, this lack of consistent patterning allowed for the extrapolation and creation of uncomplicated frequency-based antidotes which were tested with encouraging results.

After evaluating these patterns for several consecutive years, recognizable configurations emerged that allowed a comparison of the mathematical formats of man-made prophylactic remedies and vaccinations with the asymmetrical math configurations associated with natural flus. For instance, Gardasil vaccinations clearly show juxtaposed correlations indicating the formulations were likely mathematically conceived.

The present strains of Ebola that are reported to have no cure have been decoded by the BioAcoustic Biology Institute. The bio-frequency extrapolations - that would allow the creation of simple math-based antidotes - were not possible. The seemingly unnatural math permutations thwarted a simple solution. That is not to say that no potential frequency-based antidotes are possible; quite the contrary- the approach just needs to be a bit more creative and visionary.

It is obvious that over the last few years the CDC flu recommendations have “changed” to create a unique situation: The Antidote for one type of flu has become the Activator of a different strain for that same year; making it impossible to use a straightforward computation to create a numeric antidote. If someone is attempting to prevent a frequency-based solution, this would be a perfect scheme.

Extrapolation from previous results provide no absolute proof but based on previous experience, the frequency biomarkers decoded for several current strains of Ebola should provide an extraordinary path to provide efficacy.

A more comprehensive understanding of human biology, using frequency as a basis, may quickly move humanity toward space-age resolutions if this modality can be validated on a large scale. Access to a Level IV facility will be necessary to confirm efficacy. If what has been demonstrated with previous pathogens can be integrated using the Ebola biomarkers, this protocol may lay an appropriate foundation to combat for any resistant pathogen forever.

Many researchers warned that superbugs were inevitable; a total different avenue to defend against them must be put in place. What is happening to our planet with the surge of Ebola needs to be met with extraordinary measures that do not further jeopardize our health or genetic make-up. At present, there is an overall failure of those in authority to take charge of the situation, contain it and keep the populace safe. The answer seems to be beyond the boundaries of conventional science.

The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology has agreed to freely distribute these Rife determined frequency-based antidotes with any country or legitimate agency that has the authority and expertise to test the theories. Additionally, as a remedy against these present threats emerges, the potential to remediate any issues using math as medicine may evolve.