Masters of Health Magazine October 2018 | Page 42

I believe humanity is earth’s spiritual gift to its children to rise through the mire of the dark confusion of body birth so that we might discover new perspectives to experience higher truths in new forms, and thus grow our sparks of light in brightness and volume and expand the vastness of the universe.

I believe that love, truth, beauty and hope are indigenous to all existence and that we all carry memory and messages to enhance the whole. I believe that mankind‘s noblest endowment is its capacity for change.

To vibrate love and harmony through this divine connection, is to uplift all life and reveal the manifestation of all evolutionary potential.

I believe we can achieve a world without war, poverty, illness or emotional pain. I believe that as we accept life by enjoying our moments alone and together, we can transcend the proclivities of suspicion, prejudice, and defensiveness that come with birth and adolescence.

I believe it is up to all of us to carry the messages of love, spiritual discovery, truth, soul, the light of Consciousness, beauty, and hope forward and share the simple connections of getting to know this universe, ourselves, it’s laws and each other so that the energies of darkness, violence, illness and emotional pain give way to the soothing feelings of light, inner illumination, fun, and collaborative cooperation that reside at the core of all of us.

I see struggle, I end it. I see pain, I soothe it. I see darkness, I light it,. I see judgement, I dissolve it. I see illness, I cure it.

I teach, speak internationally, motivate conscious entrepreneurship, inspire and implore people to exponentially rise by spreading a simple kind of openness, awareness and playful approach to life that turns negatives Into positives, transforms the physical into the metaphysical, turns strangers into friends, competitors into allies and brings peace, joy, fulfilment and prosperity!

My life is joy. We are given light for the purpose of sharing it. We live fully by the distance of our elevation....

Oh by the way, did I fail to mention the nature of my illness? I was Autistic for 23 years...

Will talk more next month about better healthier world here, on pages of Masters of Health Magazine..

By Harrison Klein