Masters of Health Magazine October 2017 | Page 22

Building a healthy mouth and healthy body starts with collecting the facts. Dr. Curatola believes in treating not just the symptoms of dental disease, but also identifying its cause. He is your internist’s best friend. Did you know that there are a number of important tests for heavy metals, parasites, and important hormone levels through saliva, urine, blood and stool? According to Dr. Curatola, “Most people are unaware of the presence of heavy metal toxicities that exist on a cellular level.” Conventional blood tests often do not uncover the presence of these conditions. More descriptive tests such as a provocative urinalysis can identify the true measure of heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum and lead. Specific blood tests can reveal important inflammatory markers in the body. A simple stool sample can check for parasites and fungal problems like Candida that may have been in your body for years. He believes your dentist can be on the front lines of causality through focusing on referring patients for more thorough medical analysis to insure a lasting smile through a healthy body.




Don’t become the Mad Hatter. Beware of dental amalgam mercury fillings. Dr. Curatola was featured as a guest on the Dr. Oz show in a segment entitled Toxic Fillings. He informed viewers that “Mercury is one of the most neurotoxic elements on earth and silver-colored amalgam fillings are actually greater than 50% mercury.” The mercury in your mouth is susceptible to being released under various circumstances such as drinking hot liquids or heavy chewing. Over time it has been shown to slowly leak into your system. The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland was a characterization of prevalent mercury poisoning in the late 1800’s among top hat makers — eventually recognized as an occupational hazard. Their felt work involved prolonged exposure to mercury vapors resulting in a host of neurological symptoms. Signs and symptoms range from tremors and memory loss, to skin and digestive problems — even infertility. Integrative physicians and integrative dentists agree that there isn’t any amount of mercury that is good for you. There are many alternative restorative materials, including many new dental ceramics that offer nontoxic option — clearly an advantage when compared to dental amalgam. Dr. Curatola adheres to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology protocol when removing dental amalgam fillings. He considers it essential to find a dentist who follows a safe mercury removal protocol since the greatest amount of mercury exposure happens when fillings are put in and when they are removed.

Fluoride as Dentistry’s preventative “gold standard” is being seriously reevaluated. Fluoride was once touted as one of the greatest public health initiatives of late 20th century. Studies have now shown that upwards of 58% of adolescent children have damaged teeth from a condition called fluorosis. Dr. Curatola explains. “Teeth and bone are made of the same elements. Simply put, fluoride is a highly reactive and toxic element, and fluoride exposure has been linked to a broad range of serious health problems from a decreased IQ to cancer.” While fluoride was initially shown to increase smooth surface hardness of teeth and bones, studies have also shown fluoridated teeth and bones to be more brittle as well. Any beneficial effects of fluoride have become increasingly skeptical. Some studies have emerged showing some fluoridated communities having an even higher rate of decay than non-fluoridated communities. “I believe the true value of fluoride was overestimated and the onslaught of emerging evidenced-based research is causing many dental professionals to reevaluate fluoride’s application and use.” Dr. Curatola adds, “The National Research Council has issued a lengthy report documenting ‘huge gaps in fundamental research on the effectiveness of fluoride’.”

Here are Dr. Curatola’s Top Five Mouth-Body Connection tips: