Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 96

Two Spike proteins are active this month: NSP11 and NAP8.

More info: and Guardian Papers -

Inner planetary frequency influences for the month of room to increase fat burning. This may not be a good idea for people who have blood viscosity issues.

October 31 – Nov 4

The joints and muscles seem to be under attack for the next few days, especially the back and hips.  Deep hip muscles that support walking mobility and the upper back muscles are particularly vulnerable; the Gluteus Medius and Trapezius respectively are involved.

Also in stress for the next few days:  Chondroitin sulfate which supports flexibility in the muscles and Hyaluronic acid that supports joint health and elasticity. Perhaps our flexibility is being challenged as we prepare to Vote on Tuesday.

Calcium is an important nutrient in support of Vitamin D which begins to wane for those in the northern hemispheres as our blood begins to prepare for winter.  Fibrinogen is an important factor for blood circulation and blood flow.  Maybe some extra caution is needed as the days/nights get colder.

CAUTION: The internet is full of advice on losing weight.  One of those suggestions is to sleep in a cold room to increase fat burning. This may not be a good idea for people who have blood viscosity issues.

Elastase fits well into this mix of frequencies for the next week.  Although Elastase is not a much talked about enzyme; its purpose is to break down proteins particularly elastin which together with collagen supports connective tissues.  Elastase also helps break down the proteins of incoming invaders that are so prevalent in the colder months. 

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is now in play.  IgE is responsible to support immunity against parasites, which happens to be Staphylococcus for the next few days.  Asthma, sinus, and food sensitivities may be more prevalent in the coming week while IgE is active. 

Calcium Ascorbate (orange juice) has the dual responsibility of supporting the immune system while being a vital support for collagen and connective tissue.


November 5-11

Genetic frequencies for Psoriasis (dry, red skin condition) are upon us and have been with us for many days now.  If people wonder, why they are having flare-ups; it may be the frequencies coming to earth from our solar system.  You could consider food sensitivities but this time it is likely not your fault. 


B12 co factors are associated with the skin and are also on the rise in the next few days so you might want to ingest a few more B12 foods. (Fish, meat poultry, eggs, milk, milk products, cheese and some breakfast cereals are fortified artificially with B12.  Yeast has been reported as a good vegetarian source of B12.  You don’t need much B12 but it is essential for energy, blood formation and cell division.


The virus for the Common Cold is sneaking up on us and in keeping with Mother Nature’s wisdom, ascorbic acid (part of Vitamin C known to strengthen the immune system) is active as well.

For those suffering from muscle stiffness and strength issues, Dopa, the precursor for Dopamine will come in play on Monday next.  Dopa is part of a cascade that produces the neurotransmitter of Dopamine, Serotonin and norepinephrine; all of which are involved with appetite and weight control.


Muscles coming into stress include the Levator Scapulae (shoulder arm), the hamstrings (back of the thigh), the Quadratus Lumborum (lower back) and the Tensor Fasciae Latae (hip).


We have created a template for Hives.  It is available for use on our online WorkStation -


For those who are experiencing continuing issues due to the California fires, please use the Portal to BioAcoustically evaluate your sensitivity to the fire retardants and burning debris.  We also have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Gardasil and several other templates available on the Portal (under SERVICES).


EBV (Epstein Barr virus), Cholesterol, myostatin, niacin, caffeine and magnesium stress combine to cause feelings of fatigue for the next few weeks. 

Joint pain – especially the knees kick in this week – inflammation of and lack of joint fluid is the culprit.  Too much fibrin can also contribute to joint pain. If you test your voice, you will find that the notes of F-G are too high. You can ask for a free nutrition evaluation at

Thyroid stress continues for the next two weeks. Iodine, selenium, and zinc are all thyroid support nutrients. The internet lists food that are problematic to thyroid function. Selenomethionine may be supportive – can be found at your local health food store.

Niacin (vitamin B3) is especially important to brain function this week.

Expect shoulder girdle muscle to start to flare.

Genes for colon cancer and diabetes come into play for the next few weeks

Nov 12-18

Knee muscles continue to flare and begin to involve thigh muscles. Muscle evaluations are available from – under CAMPAIGNS.

Nutrients in stress SAMe, vitamin D4, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, calcifediol and Vitamin E.

Nanobacteria come into stress this week and can cause tooth plaque and heart sac inflammation. Heart Muscle is stressed this week.

Thyroid stress continues, especially for those using thyroid medications.

Stress involving proteins are active now and may cause gout symptoms (sharp joint pain).

Shoulder muscles continue to aggravate, involving Rhomboid, trapezius and chest wall that helps support shoulder movement.

Diabetes frequencies continue to soar; those with fatty livers will be especially vulnerable using a high-carb diet.

Muscle atrophy, both genetic and those caused by statins and aging, continue to plague, especially the elderly. You may find your muscles seem weak for the next few weeks.

Candida may be more active toward the end of the week. Sugar overload may cause an inflammatory flareup.

Sound Health Keynotes for NOVEMBER 2023