Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 94

With few exceptions, no one should get to live the life of another, excluding our children up to a certain age or those who cant care for themselves.

What would it be like to play the role of the Supreme Being?  Dean Hamer, author of The God Gene, postulates that we each have an intrinsic, internal connection to each other: An individual God gene, which dictates our empathy and human bonding.  Hamer reports that the God gene dictates the manufacture and transport of neurochemicals called monoamines that may account for our spirituality, religion, and sense of connection to each other. 

The frequency for the God gene activator is 15.89 or any multiple thereof, the same as white light.  (Editor’s Note: Could this explain the white light experience when humans die?)

Hamer identifies one candidate gene (SLC18A2), also called VMAT2, which encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 2, such as dopamine and serotonin.  He argues that spirituality positively affects an individual’s ability to reproduce and appreciate all of humanity.

Many in this world think they have the right to dictate everyones behaviors, thoughts, sustenance choices, responses, energy patterns, travel times and places, breeding practices, and services to one another.  These people think whoever is brawny, meaner, and dominant should be in charge of everyone else.  At the moment, there is an animalistic behavior on the planet, pitted against the ideas of the ideal of ‘Love thy neighbor.’

Last month, we shared that frequencies detrimentally associated with the God gene (VMAT 2), were deliberately included as one of the strains of COVID-23.  The God gene antidote frequencies were also in the spike protein in COVID-19.  One of the major complaints of those who suffered from COVID-19 and COVID-19 shots is that they feel disconnected from their feelings, families, and communities.  Could the inclusion of anti-frequencies of the God gene be deliberate and an attempt to sever the emotional ties to those around us?  (Editor's Note:  This could explain why many vaccinated children, especially daughters, turn against their mothers and family connections.  Is it the frontal brain damage from early vaccines, e.g., the MMR?)  We have a brain and a heart.  We are better than this, but today, our planet is chaotic.  Where did the caring for each other go?  Can anything be done to reverse this craze?

Dean Hamer says, Spirituality is in consciousness, religion, in cognition. Spirituality is universal, whereas cultures have their forms of religion.  I argue that the most important contrast is that spirituality is genetic, while religion involves cultures, traditions, beliefs, and ideas. It is, in other words, mimetic.”

It is not the right of todays tyrants to demand our compliance and attempt to extract compliance by trick or threat.  They provide us with no choice of action.  This manipulation has been instilled in us for decades.  Lets take back our right to choose and live our lives before we become obsolete.

Utilizing our God gene will give us choices innately because we care about the other persons independence.  It is time to bring forth that trait in ourselves and our children.

If we loudly demand,Pick up your coat.”  We teach our children to obey without objection.  If we ask,Is there a reason your coat is on the floor?”  We teach them to question, to think, to consider the consequences. We show respect and allow choice.

Okay!  There are consequences, but we can expand that for another writing.

When people call you names, demand, dictate, attempt to punish, do things to demean, hurt, or make others think like them. Learn to respond like you know you have a choice in your life.

If people around you are not making room for choice, they do not care about you.  They only want compliance.

Example – Once, while waiting for my husband to fix a flat tire at a local garage, I asked,How long will it take to change the tire?”  His answer to me was gruff and defensive.  I quickly retreated and asked myself how I caused that kind of response.

After I thought about it, I realized I did not give him any choice about finishing the task.  So, I asked, Do you think I would have time to go across the street to the mall for a few minutes while you finish?  Sure”, he said, Ill only be about 20 more minutes.” 

We both got what we needed without recrimination because I respected his actions and choice about what he had to do.

Recently, I received an email from a female demanding I take care of her problem.  She attempted to intimidate, demean, embarrass, and force me to do her bidding on her timeline in a way that she wanted it done.

I responded that possibly a good counselor could help her realize that she was not the center of the universe.  I didnt defend my time or actions because that draws you into their issues and demands. 

If you do not want to answer, dont.  You can respond, I dont want to talk about that now. Or, “Why are you asking me that?”  How you talk to others is important.  I think Socrates cautioned us to question how we talk to and about others. ”Is it true?  Is it necessary?  Is it kind?”

Generally, people verbally interact in three categories: Descriptive, evaluative, and judgmental – you get mixed up in attempted manipulations when you dont stay descriptive.

If I say, Im really hungry.”

And you reply judgmentally, You are already too fat.  Get a grip.”  Or,You just ate.  You dont need any more food now.” – this is not an expected response unless you are a narcissist.

Replying evaluative, Do you want me to fix you something?” – you take on their need.

Replying descriptively, When did you eat last?” – responds without offering to serve them.

Staying descriptive keeps you supportive but out of other peoples clutches.

With these tools, you can consciously create your own choices.  Remember that those who try to manipulate you into doing their bidding do not care about you, only about your service to them and the AI agenda.

Tyrants can seem to get along with their kind, but eventually, they almost always annihilate each other.  AI can never fully replace humans.

Let us unite, reclaim our human right to choice, and protect our God gene.


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