Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 77

 Pumpkin Seed Butter Munch

4-5  Tbsp of ON* Pumpkin Seed Butter

1-2  tsp of wild raw honey (optional)

2     Lundberg Thin Stackers-Brown Rice or Red Rice & Quinoa     

2     Tbsp of Cold-Milled Premium Flax Seeds

Place two Brown Rice or Red Rice & Quinoa

Lundberg Thin Stackers on a dish. 

Spread a thin layer of raw honey on each

cracker.  (Madhava, Valentin’s, Local Hive,

or Manuka are superior honey brands)

Spread the Omega Nutrition* Pumpkin

Seed Butter evenly on each Stacker. 

Sprinkle Cold-Milled Flax Seeds on top

of the Pumpkin Seed Butter.

Serve with fresh fruit for your blood type

Serves 1

Use organic ingredients

Suitable for blood types O & A

For blood types B & AB use Almond,

Macadamia, or Walnut Butter instead of

Pumpkin Seed Butter


Omega Nutrition, USA & Canada 1 800 661-3529

Lundberg Family Farms, CA USA  1 888 215-2958

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment

At this time of the year in North America, pumpkins are in the spotlight.  In countries like Australia and New Zealand, they are a delight all year in pumpkin soup or a roasted dinner.


Pumpkin seeds, known as pepitas, are a highly nutritious part of the pumpkin.  Thus, this Pumpkin Seed Butter Munch is the perfect recipe for a quick and easy, healthy breakfast.

Omega Nutrition (ON) Pumpkin Seed Butter is versatile, delicious, and an alternative to peanut butter.  ON Pumpkin Seed Butter offers those allergic to nuts a chance to enjoy that nutty taste without the side effects.  It has no added sugars or any kind of fillers like hydrogenated oils, starch, additives, stabilizers, or artificial preservatives.  contains only organic pumpkin seeds, pumpkin oil, and sea salt!