Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 69

exciting NEWS

Rob Verkerk to lead

ANH both sides of the Atlantic

Totalitarian Medicine on the Horizon


Powerful forces are working to centralize healthcare decision-making in a small group of elites at the World Health Organization (WHO). We have to push back NOW to stop it. Action Alert!

The ability for you to make informed decisions about you and your family’s health is being threatened by proposed changes to international pandemic laws at the WHO.

As became increasingly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an overall goal to centralize power and authority during pandemics, and this involves empowering a small group of typically un-elected, privately-funded individuals and bureaucrats to make important healthcare decisions for us, while censoring and repressing any information that goes against this established line.

Americans need to be able to control their own destiny and not be subservient to such authorities in their ivory towers in Geneva. We need to ensure America doesn’t sign up to these WHO-controlled provisions and lose its ability to make its own decisions, for the people, by the people.

More than that, America needs to become a loud voice helping to avert support for these amendments by two-thirds of the WHO member states (i.e. 131 of the 196 country members) at the next World Health Assembly meeting in May 2024, the quorum required to get them through.

The Two-Pronged Attack on Freedom

There are two separate processes going on at the international stage. First, the WHO is discussing over 300 changes proposed to the International Health Regulations(IHR).

These amendments create a legally-binding framework that lays out countries’ responsibilities during public health emergencies, or even during a threat of such an emergency.

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With challenges to natural health and freedom mounting in the USA, the UK and Europe, ANH USA and International teams consolidate, with Rob Verker, Ph.D., as leader.

Nature-aligned health at risk

Threats to natural health continue to grow. On the one hand our fundamental freedoms and long-standing principles of medical ethics are being deeply eroded. On the other hand, Big Pharma, the products of which have dominated healthcare for the last 80 years, has now aligned itself with the biotech industry.

This means Pharma’s model is now moving away from using biochemistry to block or interfere with physiological or metabolic pathways, to one where it’s modifying our genes or their expression in ways that nature does not. But that's not all.

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