Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 53

Operation Tooth Club later provided over 300,000 teeth to study the impact of above-ground nuclear testing by tracking levels of Strontium-90


Potential Impact: A Waste Storage Accident Could Cost $13.4 Trillion (2019)

2020 S.O.N.G.S. Task Force Report (2020)

San Onofre Radioactive Waste Poll Results (2021)

Congressional Briefing: Can Nuclear Energy Help Meet US Climate Goals? (2023)

Accelerating the Renewable Era: Energy Solutions for a Regenerative Planet (2023)

'Time is Running Out' -Mark Z. Jacobson & The Samuel Lawrence Foundation (2023)

Nuclear Reprocessing: Dangerous, Dirty, and Expensive (2011)

Nuclear Materials - Reprocessing (2023)

Nuclear Waste Storage Sites & Active Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States of America (2021)

5 Fast Facts about Spent Nuclear Fuel (2022)

Summary of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (2023)

Radioactive Waste - Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel - Dry Cask Storage (2023)

About NRC - Former NRC Commissioners - Dr. Gregory B. Jaczko, Chairman (2017)

A combination of failures:why 3.6m pounds of nuclear waste is buried on a popular California beach (2021)

Timeline: Shutdown of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant (2013)

NRC Oversight of Licensees Use of 10 CFR 50.59 Process To Replace SONGSSteam Generators (2014)

Rear Admiral Hering briefs Congress on SONGS Decommissioning (2021)

San Onofre Nuclear Waste Storage - KPBS (2019)

NRC'S Preliminary Report On San Onofre 'Near Miss' Finds Oversight Lacking (2018)

Special Inspection Activities Regarding Cask Loading Misalignment (2020)

Potential Economic Consequences from an Event at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (S.O.N.G.S.) Interim Spent Fuel Storage Installation (2019)

Over 8 Million Californians Live Within 50 Mi. Of Stored Radioactive Waste (2021)

Thyroid cancer study re-ignites debate over Three Mile Island accidents health effects (2019)

Study Links Three Mile Island Radiation Releases to Higher Cancer Rates (1997)

Do Nuclear Power Plant Emissions Cause Cancer? (2023)

Federal Roundtable on Potential Health Effects Among Individuals Residing Near Nuclear Power Plants (2023)

Radiation and Public Health Project (2023)

Health Studies Near U.S. Nuclear Power Plants (2023)

SOS - The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Powers Legacy (2023)

B. Jaczko, Chairman (2017)

A combination of failures:why 3.6m pounds of nuclear waste is buried on a popular California beach (2021)

Timeline: Shutdown of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant (2013)

NRC Oversight of Licensees Use of 10 CFR 50.59 Process To Replace SONGSSteam Generators (2014)

Rear Admiral Hering briefs Congress on SONGS Decommissioning (2021)

San Onofre Nuclear Waste Storage - KPBS (2019)

NRC'S Preliminary Report On San Onofre 'Near Miss' Finds Oversight Lacking (2018)

Special Inspection Activities Regarding Cask Loading Misalignment (2020)

Potential Economic Consequences from an Event at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (S.O.N.G.S.) Interim Spent Fuel Storage Installation (2019)

Over 8 Million Californians Live Within 50 Mi. Of Stored Radioactive Waste (2021)

Thyroid cancer study re-ignites debate over Three Mile Island accidents health effects (2019)

Study Links Three Mile Island Radiation Releases to Higher Cancer Rates (1997)

Do Nuclear Power Plant Emissions Cause Cancer? (2023)

Federal Roundtable on Potential Health Effects Among Individuals Residing Near Nuclear Power Plants (2023)

Radiation and Public Health Project (2023)

Health Studies Near U.S. Nuclear Power Plants (2023)

SOS - The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Powers Legacy (2023)