Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 36

Pesticides cause a depletion of vital nutrients.

Robust nutrient levels in foods can offset toxic stressors.  However, the depletion of nutrients in the soil has resulted in abysmally low levels in the school lunches tested.  Our children are overfed and undernourished.  Many are constantly hungry since their bodies have not received sufficient nutrition.  Livestock raised on contaminated grains, which leads to illness, have also not done well.  Children then consume toxic meat. 


Changing children’s diets to organic regenerative food produces rapid improvements in children’s health, documented in clinical practice and several research studies. 

The Nutrinet Sante study looked at 240,000 individuals whose health improved by dietary changes.  Local heroes exist.  As documented in What’s Making Our Children Sick?

 A Central Valley, California dad living in the heart of pesticide spraying, on the dialysis list, regained kidney function by changing from a conventionally grown to an organic regenerative diet.

Our government must do better.  Individual states have taken some action for children’s protection, including California, with the recent passing of  AB 418, banning brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, or red dye #3.  Although this type of state-directed legislative action is a positive first step, it is not enough in terms of immediate action needed to change the course of health history and protect our children nationally from the assault by the unregulated ingredients of school lunches.  Legislation is required at the Federal level to provide a national standard.  The requirements can look as follows:

•             Support local organic, regenerative farms to supply school lunches, which would also address social equity.  These strategies are presently being addressed in Wisconsin.

•             Support the farm-to-school movement, which is already happening in various states: Pennsylvania, California, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

•              Senator Cory Booker is launching a bill to restrict toxic contamination residues in school lunches, matching European standards.  The only way to achieve those goals is to supply our children with food from regenerative, organic farmers. 

•             Support school gardens.  Rodale Institute in Kutztown, PA, has already created and implemented a healthy start school curriculum, My First Garden.

•             Activating local communities raising healthy food consciousness (Las Vegas, Nevada)

•             Support local development, creating neighborhood food networks

The Ask

The expectation is an urgent call to action for our policymakers to immediately switch to organic regenerative school lunches for America’s children, reducing pesticides to less than 10 ppm over the next three years.  The stronghold of conventional agricultural practices and businesses on our agriculture must end.

Our children deserve better.

Healing With Organic: Dr. Michelle, Perro, MD, DHom, Video  31:24