Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 30

Rhetoric, regulatory capture, and the lack of governmental action have created and fueled one of the greatest crimes of the times the allowance and acceptance of the chronic poisoning of our childrenThe root cause of this health crisis tsunami may have many factors.  But the overarching culprit began with the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the 1990s when developed with their associated pesticides.  The usage of a greater variety of GMOs in combination with more toxic pesticides has only been increasing, secondary to weed resistance.  Coupled with companies profiteering from the patent parade of more and more genetically engineered foods, this is the cocktail for the present health disaster played out in real-time. 

The result is that the state of our children’s health is the true pandemic.

A Look at the Stats

In a 2011 research publication, 54% of American children were diagnosed with a chronic health condition.  A recent examination of the statistics reveals startling information regarding the status of our children’s health:

•             1 in 6 to 1 in 8 children has asthma (higher in African American and Latino children)

•         1 in 5 children has eczema, often affecting 60% of infants

•        2-3 in 6 children have seasonal allergies (many children believe this is typical, with ‘sick being the new normal’)

•             1 in 3 children has a food intolerance, and 1 in 12 children has a true” food allergy

•             1 in 3-5 children is overweight, variable by the state in which they reside


Additionally, educators, legislators, and practitioners cannot ignore the elephant in the room: The unprecedented rise of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in our children.  Many are now adults, so the issue has transcended into the population.  In the short time between 2020-23 alone, ASD rose significantly. 

The following numbers should sound the alarm: 1 in 22 children  (CDC, 2023) in California and 1 in 36 children (CDC, 2023) are now on the autism spectrum. 

These numbers do not address the millions of children also experiencing ADHD, neurocognitive/neurodevelopmental disorders, mood dysregulation, and anxiety/depression.  Diagnoses are not pigeonholed, so many children may cross over, manifesting elements of different disorders.  It is a hot mess. 

Being an incomplete list of disorders, this does not acknowledge the millions of children who are undiagnosed or lacking resources and support.

Covid Impacts

There is no longer just one elephant in the room but the herd.  The COVID Era has ushered in more complicated layered issues upon our children, reflected in a decline in their well-being. 

Several years of social isolation from peers, masking, closure of schools and childcare centers, reduced playground access, and overall familial stress have fueled a national mental health crisis.  These changes also were noted in their behavior and documented in their microbiomes

(The microbiome is directly responsible for the immune function development, the first line of defense for detoxification, production of vitamins and neurotransmitters, etc.) 

During the early stages of a child’s life, particularly in the first three years, the gut microbiome is shaped by environmental influences.  These influences and changes impact future mental and physical health throughout the child’s life.      


by Dr. Michelle, Perro, MD, DHom