Masters of Health Magazine November 2023 | Page 18

Question: Is there anything else you wanted to add?

Devra Davis: It's really important if you're going to have a Wi-Fi router – and most people are nowadays – that they be located in an area where people do not sleep or do not spend a lot of time. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued recommendations to reduce cell phone radiation to children. Numerous countries have removed Wi-Fi from young childrens classrooms. We have factsheets and resources for teachers and parents in schools to help educate their community, not just about Wi-Fi but also about cell towers and 5G. Communities nationwide are getting educated on this issue. Its really important to recognize that we are a village, so to speak. Simple changes can make huge differences for all of us.  People can make a huge difference in their communities by speaking up on this issue. Our Healthy Tech at Home resources can be found at I hope that those who share our concerns will buy multiple copies of this new edition to share with families and friends.  


Devra Davis, PhD, MPH is making a special offer for readers of Masters of Health Magazine. If you belong to a book club and order at least five copies of Disconnect, Environmental Health Trust will send your local library a meter you can check out and take home to measure exposure to wireless radiation in your home. Just order the books through Amazon and send a message to with your librarys address and EHT will send the donation to your library with instructions on how to use the meter.

Devra Davis, PhD, MPH and Dr. Marvin  Schneiderman,  former Deputy Director of the National Cancer Instituteand a collaborator of Dr. Davis at the Environmental Law Institute and the National Academy of Sciences.