Masters of Health Magazine November 2021 | Page 10

A look at how the links between industry and politics are a dietary disaster for children. 

Far-reaching protective measures are possible for our most vulnerable.

Whats on the Menu for Childrens Health?

by Dr. Michelle Perro, MD


We have entered the era where ‘informed consent’ and ‘parental control’ regarding our children have not only been threatened, but face extinction.  This disturbing radical switch can manifest in subtle ways, without community awareness or discussion. 


A brief dive into how this switch manifests is highlighted in several areas and firstly by showcasing the relatively newly introduced genetically engineered (GMO or GE) mosquito.  The introduction of the GE mosquito, forced on an unsuspecting public, shines a light on the loss of an individual’s/parental control, lack of governmental oversight over GE technology, and policy that favors industry over the health of our citizens.

According to industry, there is a new villain in town; the Aedes aegypti mosquito, known for harboring viruses that cause Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever.  Oxitec, a UK-based company, has genetically engineered this brand of mosquito. When mating with the Aedes mosquito, they pass on a gene to offspring that would die (in the absence of tetracycline, an antibiotic).