Masters of Health Magazine November 2020 | Page 24

a social isolation-- they stopped driving, they stopped the trains, they stopped the energy production--PM2.5 drop, and everybody stopped dying. If we're not poisoning ourselves, we won't die from this viral update.

Jefferey Smith (44:06):

I found it so fascinating that the same information that was being used as an example for the success of social distancing, actually in your eyes was showing that it wasn't the virus. It was the environmental toxins that were being empowered and smuggled into the system by the virus and the ACE2 receptors that allowed it to be so deadly. Then after I saw that interview with you when you described that, I read a New York Times article about a mysterious link between high levels of air pollution and high death rate. They didn't have the explanation that you offered, but there it was. I live in the Bay area now, and Richmond has an oil processing plant--terrible air pollution, and their death rate was way higher than the other areas in the Bay. They went around the country talking about the areas that had high particulate matter were having high death rates, and it was a mystery. You may have solved the mystery and they're not reporting on it.

Dr. Zach Bush (45:40):

No, they haven't reported on it, but it has been proven. The first study came out of China brilliantly done. Again, this whole thing that China's lying all the time--I have less trust in the U S media right now than I do with the Chinese public health sector right now. I think we're actually getting an inordinate amount of honesty from them, which is maybe unusual, but I think we've got incredibly good data. It's really interesting, very cohesive scientific data, meaning that you can look at it from lots of different angles and it holds up, which means they're not lying to us. We're seeing too much cohesive scientific evidence that the data we're getting is actually good data, whereas in the U S we have nothing remotely similar to good data.

Dr. Zach Bush (45:53):

It doesn't make sense on any scale as to the data that we're seeing around the number of COVID infections, the number of COVID deaths. It doesn't fit any other country in the world. The UK is starting to match itself to us. Canada is starting to match itself to our data, but outside of those three countries, no other country experienced the data that we've put out there as true. I think the only scientific suspicion surely has been cast on U.S., UK and Canada. Everybody else's numbers look pretty solid. And that's as diverse of governments as Iran, Russia, China, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland--these countries are giving out some very coherent data. South Korea, Malaysia--all of them very consistent. Three major outliers: U. S., Canada…we have the wrong algorithm going in our head in this country.

Dr. Zach Bush (46:47):

We keep thinking there's this horrible virus, when in fact the study coming out of China and then repeated by Harvard shows that for every one micron increase in PM2.5 per cubic meter, every one micron had a 10 to 15 X increase in deaths. There's no virus that's ever been able to be measured at that exposure rate and that level of mortality. The mechanisms that I've laid out for you, PM2.5 binding a virus that can carry the cyanide into the cell, is the only mechanism that I think explains a 10 X increase with one micron extra per cubic meter of air. That is massive evidence coming out of Harvard and China agreeing that this PM2.5 maps better to mortality than any PCR tests showing COVID or not showing COVID. The people that are dying are dying of poisoning.

Dr. Zach Bush: (47:06):

Interestingly, if you look at flu season, this gets really amazing. Take a look at the CO2 and methane levels in the atmosphere as the image by NASA or any other NGO between the months of November and June. We have a green planet in October. There is no red CO2 methane accumulation in the atmosphere. Suddenly between the third week of November and the second week of December, in that 3-week period, the whole Northern hemisphere goes red with CO2 and methane because we just lost the green respiratory status of soil microbials and the plant life. As we go into winter in that 3-week period, explosion of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere--which will also have the PM2.5 and everything else in there--it suddenly cleans itself up incredibly as of the first week of June. Flu season is not a flu season.

Dr. Zach Bush (48:42):

Flu season describes the CO2 poisoning of the atmosphere. The viruses that cause flu are there 12 months a year. They don't suddenly appear in November. They're there in October, they're there in September. They're always there, but they don't cause any discernible increase in respiratory death until we poison the atmosphere with CO2 and we lose the lungs of the planet in the fall and winter status. Now picture what's happening as we kill the soils around the clock with glyphosate, Roundup and the rest--as we kill the planet, as we kill the lungs, our respiratory disease around the year is going to keep going up because we're inducing a higher and higher amount of carbon particulate and carbon moieties in the air.

Jefferey Smith (49:49):

And the CO2, the large amount of it, that changes the way our bodies deal with the viruses, it makes it less likely to…