Masters of Health Magazine November 2018 | Page 8

Our subconscious carries the keys to universes beyond our current awareness and

understanding. It’s unlimited in scope and depth and available to help us solve problems and bring in creations that we never imagined possible. The early Controlled Remote Viewing work carried out by Project Stargate & their early teams and related projects have led those who have been trained to solve big problems and make profound discoveries about the past and the present. The subconscious can give us direct access to future events, to the extent we’re receptive, because time and space as we know it, is not what we believe it is. When we open up about time and space and what it really is and how it might really work, treasures flood in.

Some of us have learned that water is not only made up of chemical and biological substances, but also, vibrational frequencies that it carries with it wherever it goes. Matter absorbs whatever has happened to and around it, even before we come into contact with it.

Did you know that water exists beyond where geologists believe it’s located, even

using their best geologic practices? Very few drillers will tell you this, because many don’t know it and those that do keep it a well-kept secret? Answers to questions that we have struggled with since humans could think are upon us and available to us at this very moment. They await our inquires, our receptivity, and our humility. The implications of these discoveries are staggering, which is why I spent years producing the show It’s Rainmaking Time!

My name is Kim Greenhouse. Most people know me as the producer and host of It’s

Rainmaking Time! Others know me as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Rainmaking Company. My clients know me as a Communications Steward and Strategist, Packager, Private Adviser, and Visioning Coach. My friends know me as a loyal

friend, an explorer; world traveler, pioneer, and broadcast host. I really dislike being pinned down to titles and have rejected them my entire life. I love learning new things and making good things happen. I’m called to bring forth accountability, well-being, and solutions that enhance the quality of life on earth. I’m fascinated with new and ancient knowledge. My Rainmaking Mission began when I realized that businesses have consciousness and are energy systems and that just about everything we’ve been told about business and life, as information or knowledge, is off the mark. Unfortunately, the human bandwidth has never truly been empowered to be free without fear of loss and big personal risks.

A great deal of knowledge and experience was synthesized and accumulated after bringing products to the market: assisting pioneers, inventors, creative, and business owners; starting an unorthodox and much needed company; and producing 400 shows. I’ve interviewed leaders from just about every field except politics. Clearly, one of the greatest threats to generating a totally different kind of economy, with a life-giving kind of commercial and creative complex of new companies and infrastructure, is that many of the point people in different domains willingly serve as “Dragons Guarding The Gates” of an outdated closed system that appears to be open. It has a real front and a back end and a central nervous system just like we do.

Those entrenched in the older systemic ways and means, including “standards and practices,” truly don’t know how or why they should begin to transition into a totally different kind of business environment and mind-set. Far too many people and industries are terrified to give up control and access, or even willing to share it. They don’t really understand that a business is an energetic ecosystem, with an organism of consciousness that expresses itself in it’s structure, contracts, ways of doing business, process, policies, and protocols.