Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 89

Swami Isa devoted the Global Energy Parliament in 2022 to describing in detail the difference between the human being and digital machines, in part to help us understand the great distinctions that exist between the two, and to more fully appreciate the beauty of the natural human being. [Read more about it here.]


Considering the extreme dangers these technologies are posing, we need to pause these forms of research. Those who are developing quantum weapons or organic artificial intelligence need to stop until the exact effects that such technologies would have upon the human population, nature, the world, and the universe can be determined. How much of the natural balance would be disturbed and destroyed? What would be the long-term consequences? What effects are expected on the gross, subtle and causal planes? How far would it reach?  


No technology should be deployed until the larger picture is understood — not just a narrow view of expected changes from the window of a single discipline of science — but a total panorama of all sciences, all of nature, and humanity within it. The public must call for a halt to these kinds of dangerous research activities until verification has been conducted and all are satisfied that life can continue in balance, peace and happiness. 

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With prayers for peace and harmony,


The Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust

With prayers for peace and harmony...