Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 44

Applause or Rotten Tomatoes

I recently participated in a written interview on this topic by Children’s Health Defense.

I explained:

“The siRNA molecules, carried and delivered by nanocarriers, have been explored in the treatments of cancer,” explained Dr. Michelle Perro, an integrative medicine pediatrician and author of “What’s Making Our Children Sick? “Even in the cancer arena, there are still many hurdles in their employment.”

The study by UC Riverside was conducted in mice, not human infants. The researchers desire the elimination for strain-specific vaccines and a universal vaccine, protecting babies against viral mutations and that siRNA technology could be applied for this purpose as well as in the treatment of other diseases.

While this sounds like a 5 star review, below are explanations as to why the curtains should close on this performance:

1. There has not been the gold standard of a double-blinded placebo-controlled study in infants to guarantee safety of this experimental genetically modifying drug.

2. The researchers state that babies will no longer have to “depend on their mothers’ antibodies” — mothers provide excellent antibody protection for breast fed babies. Is this a process towards the elimination of “the mother”?

3. Long-term effects on the impacts of this novel technology developing immature immune systems are unknown, such as the production of inflammatory cytokines (cytokine storm), off-target effects, negative impacts on gene expression, and carcinogenic potential.

4. The researchers stated in their paper that the technology is suitable for babies because their immune systems are still developing which is exactly the same argument that should be presented as to why they should not be allowed into our babies: Because their immune systems are still developing and adverse reactions may be fatal.

5. Nasal administration? The nano delivery system means that this novel RNA would be delivered to every cell of the body. At the end of the nasal cavity sits the cribriform plate, which separates the nasal fossa from the cranium. These nanoparticles would have direct access to the brain. How could the researchers monitor and measure the toxicity from this process?

I query, how did the emergency release authorization (EUA) of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines go for our children? Not very well.


Information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.