Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 14



To truly live the fabulous life we have been put on this Earth to live, we all must care deeply about many aspects of our daily LIVES! Every day, we are on a journey to live more! The journey for us living this way started in 1986 when I was at a personal growthseminar in Sydney. The topic was searching for the meaning of the being” part of ahuman being.” The turning point for our life together came when I stood up to speak.


My body was shaking all over. It was as if an unseen force was fighting to stop me from opening my mouth. When I started to speak, I let go of everything and spoke my truth. As I did, I was aware that I could see what I would describe as a white fog” inside my brain, which cleared the further I sobbed and spoke the truth about my life. When the white fog was gone, I was awake.


The seminar leader said he had never seen anyone do this before in his over twenty years of running these seminars in different parts of the world. He told the participants, You are looking at one of the bravest people on the planet.” At that moment, I had no idea what he was talking about.  I overcame a mountain of fear of what people thought of me. This fear had been trapped inside me my entire life. I believe he meant that I was brave enough to show my most vulnerable parts, all of myself, and instantly let go of any masks I may have been hiding behind. The result was a life-changing awakening and a quantum leap to becoming who I truly am as a human being and impacting those around me and beyond.


From the second I was born until the white fog lifted from my brain, I had been asleep. The awakeness” and energy that poured into me felt like nothing I had ever known. I realised that this is MY life. I dont answer to any other person on the Earth. I am responsible for every choice I make and every action I take. This is IT! I knew that in every moment of my life, there was nobody to blame for anything. It was my choice as to how I responded in any given situation. I am responsible for my future.


This awakening has shaped our lives from that moment. Even though William and I were not together as a couple at that time, this awakening has shaped our lives and the lives of many. Two years later, this awakening led me to give up” my life to the one I call God.” A hugely miraculous journey followed since that moment.  If you are interested in what happened, I invite you to read my first book, This is YOUR life”. I wrote this book to share as much as possible for others to experience the same awakening.


The excitement I have for life, every second of every day, is something I so want to share with every person on the Earth who would like to be an awake human being and live in the moment. There is some significant reason that the present” is called the present”! There are no coincidences, and words are some of our most powerful tools to shape our future. Living in the present moment and being aware of what is occurring in and around us 86,400 seconds a day, is one of our personal goals. The joy we have every day due to this mind shift is exponential.



The meaning of words is so powerful. If you speak lightly and are always joking around, you will create a life where, over time, not too many people will take you seriously. If you are aware of the importance of the meaning of words, if you mean what you say, and only say words that speak life,” faith, and the outcome you intend to achieve, you will have a far greater likelihood to create what you set out to do.


Writing this article for Masters of Health magazine enables us to share our well-being journey, which has led us to a miraculously free and wondrous lifestyle. One of the best ingredients to living a life, as I say on the cover of my book, Beyond my Dreams,” is an open mind to going beyond anything in this world. If you focus on how people are in the world, you will be limited to the ways of the world. If your biggest fear is what others think about you, this will cause you to stay static. You will never be on the path to consciousness and freedom if you do not overcome that fear.


Any person who is an awake or conscious human being will hear information that will float on past others. Consciousness” is an ongoing journey. Some people are very awake to business and making millions or billions of dollars. I have met people from around the world who are awake in areas that bring them great success” in some ways and not others. For instance, I have met many people who have been financially very successful and have made millions or billions of dollars. There have often been people who were married numerous times and have lost their millions or billions due to having no awareness of the person they married.


As an awake or conscious human being, when I initially heard about biodynamic agriculture,” I immediately paid attention to it. I was already engaged to be married to William when my aunt told me she had seen a man on TV putting cow manure into cow horns and burying this under the ground. The cow manure transforms during winter and early spring into a humus material that becomes a dynamic, living soil activator.