Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 12

Unfortunately, this did not stop the use of deadly poisons being used all over the world in the growing of food. In March 2021, a farmer in Queensland had a drop of Paraquat hit his mouth, and he died that day. Paraquat is commonly used in the growing of cereal crops in Australia and across the world. There are lawsuits now, especially in the US, against the companies that make such toxic products.


How many international organisations, like the WHO, are talking about our human right to breathe clean air from when we are born? There is an enormous amount of talk about climate change, but what about banning the poisons and weather geoengineering that are polluting our clouds, water, and air?  These poisons and pollutants kill the microbial life in the soil, which recycles CO2 in the ground and transforms it into clean air.


We have been standing for clean, poison-free agriculture since 1988 by becoming farmers who grow food with NO artificial fertilisers or pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or any other cides.” All of these names seem to be a nice” way of describing substances that are poisons. The definition of the word poison” that we use is any substance which through its chemical action causes ill health or death to any living organism.”


Many people in the world have, as far as we are concerned, been surviving in a death culture.” In modern agriculture, this is very apparent with the massive focus of modern chemical farmers on poisons. We know farmers who have been poisoned and hospitalised by the very way they and their neighbours grow food.

We know farmers who buy and apply over a million dollars of chemical poisons a year per farm. Their crops are so toxic that they do not let their children or farm visitors walk in them. Chemical farmers quietly talk about their ill health and death linked to the poisons they drench their farmland and crops with.


We have also been actively involved in the campaign to stop Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. In the 1990s, when William was on our local council, he introduced a motion for the Williams Shire to be GMO-free. It passed unanimously and was the first such passed motion by a shire in Australia. He also participated in public debates on whether GMOs should be allowed in farming.


One of those debates was at an agricultural conference in Perth, in front of an audience of around a thousand farmers, chaired by the Speaker of the WA lower house of parliament. At the time, William was challenging the agricultural scientists who were arguing in favour of GMOs to provide written guarantees that they would pay the cost of any calamities that would result. They looked shocked when asked, and none took up the offer.


In his addresses, William shared a story that Dr. David Suzuki had recounted in one of his books. It was about a genetically modified soil bacteria created to break down crop residue. When it was field tested, a science student discovered (at the last minute before it went on the market) that it was killing green plants with which it came in contact. This life form, which had never existed until made in a lab by scientists, could potentially have wiped out all green life forms on Earth and become an existential threat to humanity. How many more such experiments are in the making?


Since then, GMOs have been creeping into conventional chemical agriculture and medicine. Bio-labs in the US, UK, Ukraine, and elsewhere experiment with GM pathogens.  Under the direction of the US Department of Defence, GM bioweapons were transferred to the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab in China, where Dr. Fauci, director of the NIAI (National Institute of Allergy and Infection), funded gain-of-function experiments. Genetically modifying life forms is extremely dangerous since the long-term implications of this madness are unknown.


GM crops allow more over-spray with chemicals, which leads farmers to use more chemicals as weeds have become resistant to frequent sprayings. In turn, this increases poisons in the food and people. No one knows the long-term effects of increased food levels of pesticides and engineered toxic genes directly into plants, such as corn, will have on the world population


Just as agricultural poisons weaken the health of the soil, increasing dependence on pharmaceuticals has weakened human health. Organisations like the US FDA (and their equivalents around the world) have long approved toxic farm chemicals and now GMOs. The people of the world deserve better. Clean, safe, healthy food should be a right, and the FDA should be guardians of the people, not enablers of big corporationsprofitability.


I just wrote a song called  Wake Up Australia 

that can pertain to the world. It is about the corruption that has been going on for years and covers all aspects of living in Australia. One of the first person to discover the deviousness was the brave Rodney Culleton, who became a Senator in the Australian Federal Parliament in 2016. Many laws under which we all live” are made by politicians who answer to foreign powers” like the WHO the UN and the insidious implants within those organisations.

Governments all over the world have allowed the use of billions of litres of poisons. The use of poisons is out of control as it is killing microbes and other soil life, insects, and animals.  It is also harming the health of the people everywhere.


There is an exponential growth of sickness all over the planet. The rapidly rising rates of chronic disease in children are evidence of this. In the United States alone, over 54% of children suffer from chronic diseases. How much focus is there on health and well-being? How much attention is given by the so-called World Health Organisation” on caring for the health of humanity? I believe every person reading this article will know the answer to this question. Global statistics, including increased excess deaths from when the so-called COVID-19 'vaccinations' were rolled out, reveal that health and well-being have not been taken seriously by the WHO.


See the videos of my song, Hold the Line,regarding the stand many of us have taken worldwide against the vaccine” mandates!