Thyrocalcitonin, aka, calcitonin, is a calcium regulator of the parathyroid gland comes into play at mid-week, though to the weekend.
May 19-25
Frequencies for Gardasil vaccines become active this week and remain so through the end of the month. Gardasil is a series of injections provided, mainly to youngsters, as prevention to cancer; and cervical warts contracted through sexual interactions. California has passed a law allowing girls as young as 12 to submit to a three-part series of separate injections without parental permission even though serious adverse effects (including deaths) have been reported in large numbers; consequences that would fall on the shoulders of uninformed parents.
Four strains of HPV (Human papilloma virus), contained in the CDC recommended Gardasil vaccination database, are being pushed on the American population; HPV 1, 11(x2), 16 and 18. Are these vaccines safe or do they pose a greater threat that has not yet been exposed?
This possibility was BioAcoustically explored, and the information is compiled in the Frequency Equivalent™ chart below.
Quote from Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher concerning Gardasil says that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves with a year, and within two years that percentage climbs to 90%. Dr. Harper also states that Gardasil would do little to prevent cancer and she does not recommend Gardasil or Cervarix (a similar vaccine) to anyone younger than 15.
An additional statement by Harper in 2013 is that parents should be warned of the harmful effects of the Gardasil vaccinations. She quotes so far that “15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions. At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.”
Since research does not support this campaign of Gardasil vaccinations, what else could be the motive to require such threatening measures? The Gardasil movement in Texas brought some of the underlying motivation to the surface. Former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, mandated Gardasil for the State of Texas, but public outcry shut down the program. Later it was discovered that Perry and his campaign received over $300,000 from the pharmaceutical companies that were in support of mandated, massive Gardasil crusades but there seems to be an even more sinister reason?
Frequency medicine is making a comeback as part of our conventional medical protocols. Gardasil components like any other medication are based on the influence of the compounds it contains. An evaluation of Gardasil components revealed that frequency biomarkers contained within the four available vaccines may have been produced to influence fertility and reproduction.
May 26 – June 1
Strongly manifesting for the next few days: Frequencies associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) – cancer of the blood’s white cells which are responsible for fighting infection by producing antibodies to protect the body. CLL creates a compromised immune system in which the body is weakened to the point that it cannot fight stress, pathogen invasion and disease.
Muscles in stress: Interossei of fingers which provides flexibility to the hands and fingers are moving out of range allowing arthritic like symptoms to letting up a bit.
Activated Nutrients: Zeaxanthin – an important bioflavonoid helps rid the body of free radicals. The vitamin most influenced is Lutein – A form of Vitamin A for eyes. If this is an issue for you, you may that your eyes be a bit slower to focus – lots of allergy may be contributing to this factor for people.
Stearic acid is a biochemical found in cosmetics. The body uses Stearic acid to insulate nerves; it is also associated with cholesterol management.
The toxin active now is Hexachlorobenzene – It was used on marijuana as a pesticide until they found out that the residue causes – mummified hands – then whole-body atrophy.
Morphine –A medication - we don’t often report on medications, but this may be an important one – because it is often left over from surgeries so you may feel a bit groggy or out of it for a bit as it activates and moved out of the body.
Medication frequencies of Valium/Diazepam are being activated at the end of the week. Both are used as medications to treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, muscle spasms, panic attacks are activated. Watch for side effects. Morphine, a powerful pain killer is also stimulated until mid-week.
Several forms of papilloma virus (HPV) – which causes common warts on hands, feet and mucous membranes of the oral, anal and genital cavities - is in stress over the next few weeks. HPV (Gardasil/Cervarix) immunizations were developed allegedly to prevent HPV outbreaks.
BioAcoustically Speaking, the chart above shows that the frequencies of Gardasil and Cervarix correlate with issues of fertility and conception. This would potentially cause issues with reproduction.