Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 102

And so for our species, we have the opportunity to choose - it is a matter of life or death for humankind on this planet to embrace the idea that math can    serve us in maintaining health.


A Real-life Matter of Life

or Death.

James Marshall's Story

In his own words, the events of James Marshall’s struggle with modern day medicine and his will to live.


“First Im a spiritual actor, composer and performer.  Such was not always my path.  I had always wanted to be a part of the Hollywood scene and I was finally reaching the peak of my career. I had a role on the television show, Twin Peaks, and was cast in numerous roles in films such as; Cadence, starring Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen, Gladiator, starring Cuba Gooding Jr., and A Few Good Men, starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore. I thought this was the beginning of a wonderful career when all of a sudden; it had to be put on hold.


I thought my life would end after taking the advice of a conventional medical provider, and it almost did. The medicine that was prescribed to me destroyed my large intestine to the point where it had to be removed. After nearly two years of being bed-ridden in a hospital room, I weighed less than 100 pounds and my lack of energy and bad health had ended my acting career.


One fateful night, I was up late searching for an answer. I began to listen to the Coast-to-Coast radio show. George Noory was interviewing a woman about a healing technique that she had been developing using sound frequencies, Sharry Edwards.  After research was done on this theory, it was showing that sound could heal people; you only had to find the right frequency and match it to the person.


I took a chance and called her research center. After hearing my story, she agreed to help. She used her own computer software to analyze my voice and it created a report on my health status. This report indicated which vitamins and nutrients I needed to help my body heal itself. Then I was told which foods might provide this for me and which I should avoid. Along with this I was given sound frequencies that might, theoretically, help to heal me as well.


Sharry gave me a list of individualized frequencies which I recreated using my guitar.  Not musical notes but frequencies that could be tuned.  It didn’t sound exactly like music, but it was incredibly pleasing to me.  I spent long hours with the sounds.  I began to feel more and more like my old self.  Since then, I’ve learned that our DNA is basically frequency, and it can be set to music.  Was I using music to speak to my DNA in a way that caused my body to heal itself?

I started to gain weight, and my energy returned.  I spent hours with the sounds, and I began to feel like my old self.


I became so fascinated at my own progress using sound that my wife, Renee, and I began to study, in depth, ancient techniques of sound healing that were being brought into the modern era by this novel research.  When I learned that all of this stemmed from this woman’s innate ability to hear and duplicate sounds that were unlike normal human abilities, I knew that I wanted to be part of brining this “other dimensional” talent of hers to the forefront of health and wellness.  She was very open to my ideas.

I wanted to work on something significant, something timely, something useful to the public.  We chose the threat of the pandemic swine flu. 

She decoded the genetic make-up of the different strains of swine flu (as she had done for so many other pathogens) and using extrapolations from her previous research she came up with the frequency biomarkers for the swine flu; and was also able to mathematically determine the frequency-based antidotes.

When I received the set of frequencies from her research lab, I was perplexed.  These were not notes that one would play together harmonically.  I could not see a way that these notes could be combined into a pleasing musical piece.  But I believed in the magic of what she had done for me.  I had to give it a try.  To my surprise, the notes went together creating an unusual, yet aesthetic, combination of notes and tones.  The first release was not meditative, relaxing music nor was it supposed to be.  It was designed as a pathogen killing set of frequencies.  My wife and I, and others have found relief from colds, sinus irritations and sore throat symptoms.  In real-life, the frequencies were experimentally used to reverse diagnosed swine flu symptoms that were resistant to Tamiflu (medication).


The second release contains the original eight-minute Swine Flu (Le Ciel The Sky) frequency set but has been combined with relaxing meditation sounds.  The result is a 30-minute sound journey, called Sines of Life: Arrival of Healing that is designed to relax the body into a state of self-healing.


Can these results be trusted? Many years of research substantiate the ability of music and sound frequencies to support optimal human form and function. What more can you ask? Do the techniques conform to the standards of conventional medical therapy? No, but you cannot argue with the results. How does it work? I don’t think any of us can answer that yet. We only know that it does and that the public has a right to know about it.


In my case, standard medical practice had nothing to offer. I was told to go home and die.  I believe that frequency-based biomarkers that can be translated into sound and music, hold the potential to change the face of medicine. This is too new, too innovative, too “out there” for people to wrap their heads around, but I’m living proof that it is effective. For me it was literally a matter of life or death.  It can potentially help thousands of people who have been left with no conventional options.

Each cell can renew itself or morph into something else if provided with the correct frequency and energy