Masters of Health Magazine May 2024 | Page 10

Our Well-Being Journey

 by Kelly Newton-Wordsworth

Activist, Author, Biodynamic Farmer, Lawyer, Singer, Song/Script Writer,

Music/Video Clip Producer, Wife, Mother, Grandmother

Writing this feature article for Masters of Health magazine has been an amazing time for my husband, William, and I to look at our well-being journey towards becoming masters of health” and our lives.  It has led us to talk about the true meaning of health and well-being at the highest levels.


When looking up the definition of health”, the first description I found was “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being; not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The highest standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being, without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”.

 Does this sound like a competent definition to you? It may interest you that these descriptive, all-encompassing words came from the World Health Organisation (WHO). Perhaps this description was written years ago by people who really cared about humanity.


This meaningful explanation of health” sounds great, but the work of the WHO over the last four years has been the opposite of health. Particularly with the enormous damage inflicted upon millions around the world by changing the definition of the meaning of the word vaccination”!


When you watch the video clip of my song, Forest of the Fallen, you will see a glimpse of the WHO results in recent times. It is a song to help release the sadness from lost loved ones or the many injuries sustained since the so-called 2021 vaccinations” and beyond mandates.

A WHO discussion and its highly questionable track record would require a series of articles. Williams soon-to-be-published book, Warnings from the Living God, covers some of their pernicious health projects. So, we will leave this until it comes out. Meanwhile, you may enjoy my new song, Exit the WHO! It will give you a glimpse of our feelings and the dire need for all member nations to protect their national and medical sovereignty by exiting the WHO as a matter of urgency.



We have been on this well-being journey towards having health for ourselves, our family, and the whole world for years. William and I started farming biodynamicallytogether without any poisons in 1988, and we are now the longest-running biodynamic or organic broadacre farmers in Western Australia.


We planted around one hundred thousand trees, mostly those that grow in our region, to bring back areas of tree cover that had been lost or cleared. This number includes magnificent deciduous varieties from around the world, including thousands of olives, pistachios, fruit, and nut trees.


We did this since we were married and came to live on the land known as Boraning, which, in our First Nations peopleslanguage, means place of spiritual wisdom.” This land was known as Boraning well before we arrived. We found this a miracle because we each lived a spiritual” life before marriage.


For a true definition of health, I believe the starting place is spiritual” health. It is a topic, however, for another time.  As we know, everyone is a unique individual with their own beliefs. Ours have led us to an extraordinary life together. Without them, we would have been divorced years ago, as we are both strong characters.


Coming back to the WHOs definition of having the highest standard of health” in the world, as far as we are concerned, as a genuine beginning to achieving this goal, there must be a right for all people to have clean air, water, soil, and food.


Since chemicals were introduced (originating from two World Wars) for the growing of food for humans and animals, the WHO has done NOTHING, as far as we know, to stop the poisoning of modern, conventional agriculture.


Chemical agriculture began in the early part of the last century, with German chemists pioneering the addition of sulphuric acid to bones to make the elements more available to plants. Before that time, all agriculture was organic.”

Since then, the chemical industrialisation of food has grown to a point where most of the worlds food is grown with a cocktail of highly toxic chemical poisons.


Rachael Carsons book, Silent Spring, was published in 1962. This book brought attention to the damage done to the environment and animals from chemicals in agriculture. It led to the banning of DDT in the US, and other countries followed.


Activist, Author, Biodynamic Farmer, Lawyer, Singer, Song/Script Writer,

Music/Video Clip Producer, Wife,

