Nothing can compare with a grandmother’s love & wisdom. In addition to their motherly instincts and ability to nurture, grandmothers have mastered the trials and tribulations of motherhood better than anyone. Grandmothers accrue knowledge and wisdom from a lifetime of experiences. In many Asian, Latin, and European cultures, grandmothers are highly revered and valued as the family matriarch for their attributes.
Throughout history, grandmothers have played prominent roles in family life - often, as trusted advisors or primary caregivers when mothers were absent because of work, additional pregnancies, or other circumstances.
Grandmother’s love and wisdom raised and enriched many of us. She instilled values and taught us unique skills not offered at school. She was always there for us when Mother was absent.
Grandma, Grandmama, Granny, and Nanny in English, Abuela/Spanish, Amma/Islandic, Avia/Latin, Babushka/Russian, Bestemor/Norwegian, Grand-mere/French, Kuia/Maori, Kupunawaihini/Hawaiian, Lola/Filipino, Mormor/Swedish, Nain/Welsh, Nonna/Italy,Oma/German, Tinamatua/Samoan, Vecmamina/Latvian, Wai po, Zumu/Chinese, and so on.
by Lady Carla Davis, MPH
Specializing in Nutrition