assess how likely it will impact your health, in order to determine whether you need to do something about it.
For example, lead dust and asbestos whilst causing serious health issues, are not generally a problem unless you disturb them during renovations. As a small business owner, my cell phone is critical to my business. However, I can significantly reduce my exposure to harmful frequencies by texting, using the loudspeaker, or an earpiece.
7. Better safe than sorry. The precautionary principle applies where scientific evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain, and preliminary scientific evaluation indicates that there are reasonable grounds for concern. If an agent cannot be proven to be completely safe, err on the side of caution and either avoid it or substitute it for something safer. The precautionary principle is evident in the case against fluoridated water, where, as a result of an inability to prove its safety and the unethical nature of mass medicating an entire population with a known pharmaceutical drug, 97% of Western Europe has not fluoridated its water supplies. Global Warming is another prime example because the stakes of not acting – the extinction of the human race and every other species – are too high.
My goal for this book is to show you how easy it is to live in a technological world whilst reducing your exposure to harmful forms of radiation and chemicals. My journey into environmental health changed my buying behavior and the way I saw the world, it also ostracized me from some family and friends who couldn’t cope with my ‘whacky’ beliefs even with the evidence I provided. However, as a result of my persistence, I have three healthy children, and I am the CEO of a registered training organization (Australian College of Environmental Studies) that provides the only nationally accredited training in environmental health (building biology) in Australia.
In the past 30 years, new cancer diagnoses almost tripled, hospital admissions for life-threatening allergic reactions have increased fourfold, breast cancer has doubled, male sperm count has halved, the age of puberty is declining, and learning and behavioural disorders in children have skyrocketed. Could these conditions be linked to our homes?
What can be more important than the health of your family?