Masters of Health Magazine May 2020 | Page 102

Fiction author Dean Koontz shows the truth in the cliché "fact can be stranger than fiction."

A novel written almost 40 years ago seems prophetic today, especially since the coronavirus began in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In his 1981 novel The Eyes of Darkness, Dean Koontz wrote details about a fictional event involving China's "most important and dangerous new biological weapon," known as "Wuhan-400."

Although Koontz fictionalized Wuhan-400 as unable to survive outside the human body for more than a minute, the coronavirus can. But he promoted a theory gaining support about coronavirus, that is, the coronavirus is the product of biological warfare (BW) effort by Chinese scientists at their research lab outside Wuhan.

Today, it is known secret Biological Weapons programs are run at the Wuhan lab – a facility with the capability to develop some of the most deadly pathogens on earth. It is also very likely the lab does not employ the strict protocols necessary to prevent those pathogens from escaping into the environment. This would explain why coronavirus initially established such a large footprint in that city before going international.

Evidence now points to coronavirus, making its great escape from the lab either via an infected worker or one who illegally sold infected lab animals to the public.

Throughout history predictions aparently come true, and they have fascinated humanity. Do these forecasts help us?

Our history reflects the constant transition from rough times to stable/prosperous times. Continuous yin and yang energy cycles back and forth, helping us to grow, learn lessons, and make a habit from what works. During challenging times, old patterns that no longer serve us are replaced with better methods.

Many hard times are predicted by prophets, giving us a sneak preview of upcoming chapters in our life. We understand that, for some reason, we were destined to go through this challenge. Our life is a series of peaks and valleys; we are destined to go through many changes and challenges.

Use each challenge like magic alchemy to transform your life. Let go of things that need their freedom and weigh you down. Pick up new habits and ideas. Every problem is an opportunity. If you focus on the opportunity, that situation grows, and if you concentrate on challenges, they grow too.

The coronavirus was humanity's destiny, but the big question is, WHY?

How will we change? Give some thought as to how the lockdown has influenced you.

Has it encouraged you to improve your habits?

Adopt better ideas?

Appreciate human contact?

Use safer habits?