Masters of Health Magazine May 2018 | Page 19

Sadly, no one is government is addressing the causes of these disabilities, nor working

on establishing nutrition programs to correct them. Is anyone in government asking why are so many people on disability or killing them self? Or, why are so many kids, from all walks of life, are killing each other? Mothers are losing control of their kids at an alarming rate. Government policies do not value a mother’s instinct. Instead they treat mothers like idiots, mandate a ‘one size fits all’ system, push more drugs, and often deny mothers the right to properly raise their own children. ‘Social engineering’ in collaboration with the film, TV, music, media, medical care, and giant food industries have a lot to answer for.

Take a good look at the diet of every teen that went on a shooting rampage; who over indulged in drugs, committed suicide, or was involved in a crime. The two things they all had in common, which most ‘experts’ refuse to acknowledge, was consumption of a junk food diet (containing refined sugar, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, fluoridated water, etc.) and anti-depressant or anti-psychotic drugs.

I believe a junk food diet is the stepping stone to emotional problems, ill health (diabetes and high blood pressure, etc.), drug addiction and increasing crime rates. But, because of the powerful influence giant corporations (PAC contributions) have in governments, the facts and harm being done are being covered up and people have little if any say. Common sense no longer exists. Main stream media rarely reports accurate findings and if they do, it is only briefly mentioned because they make a lot of money from industry advertising. This is especially true with the harm coming from

the powerful pharmaceutical industry (2nd or 3rd leading cause of death), which strongly influences government medical care policies, they call health care.

High Pressure advertisements are very effective. Thus, corporate industries spend

millions of dollars to advertise and buy influence. Plus, they glamourize the use of

their products and add chemicals to make them addictive. If you are a sugar, coke, or coffee addict, try getting off them and you will see how difficult that is. Try eating just

one chip! It is because of these addictions that Coca Cola is worth over $72.5 billion.

Unfortunately, it is usually a parent, with bad eating habits and poor parenting skills, who introduces these addictive pollutants to a child as a treat. Thus, the helpless child becomes addicted at an early age. In addition, teens are the most exploited age

group by junk food companies. Sadly, some schools are even selling these addictive pollutants to their students in an effort to raise money. To addict children with these

pollutants is nothing less than child abuse, because the innocent growing child doesn’t know better. Parents, schools, and businesses targeting our youth are responsible for the serious problems plaguing our youth, and should be held accountable. People who sell these addictive products selfishly focus on the short term

gain with no regard for the long term loss. Eventually, they will become the victims of the consequences of this type of child abuse. Time has a way of revealing the truth!