Masters of Health Magazine March 2025 | Page 38

2025 is here. While life as most of us know it continues to be fast-paced, each passing year seems to double down on the challenges we face. Whether its long-term stress, fear, environmental factors, or something else, these challenges have taken a toll on our collective well-being. However, one thing I know for sure is that every challenge brings with it the potential for growth, increased resilience, and the opportunity for transformation. As we do what is necessary to emotionally and intellectually adapt to our rapidly changing and often stressful world, the bodys Innate Intelligence continues to prove its remarkable ability to heal, renew, and thrive when supported naturally and holistically.

If you find yourself entering this near year stressed, focused on fear, know that it has weakened your immune system leaving you vulnerable to the very things that create your stress and fear. Without doubt, you are not alone. Regardless of the unprecedented situations we find ourselves in, change is possible. Health, your health, is possible if you refocus and reclaim control of your health. In reality, through conscious choices you can support your Innate Intelligence to build a life of healthy longevity. And let those outside forces be damned!

Truth and Trust

It is increasingly clear that relying on our government or our allopathic system of medicine when it comes to our health, our lives, and our species has been a mistake. But regardless of what Big Pharmacy would have you believe, our bodies are designed for health.

If you believe otherwise, youve fallen victim to untruthful sources of heath advice and care. We must and can take responsibility for our own well-being. Undoubtedly, we can do so knowing that within each of us is a Life Force that works tirelessly. This Innate Wisdom doesnt require external interference. However, it thrives when supported with practices that remove obstacles to its natural flow.

Certainly, Masters of Health magazine has been focused on supporting us in taking responsibility for our own health since its inception. It is uniquely positioned to provide information and ideas that are leading to a new awareness of health. It sheds light on natural techniques, therapies, and practices to help us open more fully to our Innate Wisdom and potential for strong bodies and healthy longevity, fulfillment, and happiness. Every article they publish is a new perspective on how the human body is continuously being created by a Life Force that is self-healing, self-renewing, and self-regulating.

In fact, Chiropractic is aligned with and supportive of all natural health practices. From a Chiropractic perspective, there are three effective methods for aiding the body in self-health. The first is to remove the interference to normal function. The second is to compliment or activate normal functions. The third option is to do both. The Life Force is already healthy.

Chiropractic Care: Supporting Your Bodys Potential

Since its founding in 1895, chiropractic has grown into a trusted method of supporting the bodys ability to heal and adapt. At its core, chiropractic recognizes the bodys Innate Intelligence. Chiropractic works to enhance the connection between the nervous system and the rest of the body, the system through which the body adapts to its internal and external environment.

The Life Force has adapted and evolved the human species over thousands of years. It has brought us to this point in our development in which chiropractic was founded and may be applied. The chiropractic specific adjustment facilitates a freedom of movement in the articulations of subluxated spinal vertebra allowing the innate of the body to align the spinal segments enabling better nerve function and adaptation to the surroundings. The better the alignment of the spine the better the efficiency of the nervous system. The better the nervous system, the better the health of the individual.

Adjusting for Connection

The chiropractic adjustment is not intended to treat a symptom, condition, or disease. The purpose of the adjustment is to remove interference in the nervous system caused by vertebral misalignment. Removing this interference allows an efficient mind-body neurological connection. A chiropractic spinal adjustment to subluxated spinal segments allows nature to more fully connect to the human being. This improves the quality of life and strengthens the body to adapt to its internal and external environment. An adjustment removing interference to the nervous system upgrades the immune system and numerous other physiological modifications essential to keep up with a changing world. Health is sustainable as the body adapts to the changing world through a fully functioning nervous system. To perform masterfully and keep the body fit, Nature needs a healthy lifestyle without interference.  Undeniably, chiropractic enables the strongest connection between nature and the human body.

The Profession

Today, chiropractic is a global movement. There are 20 chiropractic colleges in the United States and 31 chiropractic colleges outside the US positioned all over the world. Currently in the US there are 10,000 students enrolled in chiropractic education. There are just under 70,000 doctors of chiropractic serving approximately 35 million adults and children each year. Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession behind dentistry and medicine. It is the unfavorable, unpleasant, and artificial health conditions of people throughout the world pushing the chiropractic profession to grow, mature, identify, and communicate core values that can be applied for a healthier longevity and a natural fulfilling rewarding happy life. Chiropractors are dedicated to fostering health, balance, and vitality in their communities through safe, effective, and natural care.

The core value of the chiropractic profession is the recognition of a Universal Intelligence in all matter, giving to it all of its properties, characteristics, and actions. Another way to say it is that there is an intelligent frequency forming all human beings and all the physical world. Better yet, Spirit is the source of creation. Spirit is the Life Force living its creation. The life force is self-healing, self-renewing, and self-regulating. The nervous system is the primary communication channel connecting every cell to all the other cells of the body. In doing so it establishes and maintains homeostasis. This ease of homeostasis balances spirit, mind, and body for vibrant health, mental and social stability, dynamic adaptation, and expression of the human potential.

Perfect Health

Chiropractic offers hope for the human species. Why? Because it recognizes and serves the Life Force that created and lives in the human species. The Life force is the health and potential of every human being. It created humans to be able to manufacture their own bio pharmacy and hormonal requirements. Chiefly, Life created humans so they could live as a human. Life is perfect health. Chiropractic works to remove interference to life and health messages along the spinal nerve pathways. Chiropractic is a natural means of restoring function and health. It is indisputable that a fully functioning nervous system is essential for a long and healthy Life.

"Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force

and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”   

Nikola Tesla

Chiropractic Serves the Life Force

by Dr. Gene Cretsinger, DC