Masters of Health Magazine March 2025 | Page 15

estrogen to perform its normal function in breast tissue.[16]

Researchers have demonstrated that rats given certain carcinogens will develop breast cancer.  When iodine is given along with the carcinogens, tumor formation is blocked.[17] [18]  These studies would indicate that iodine has the ability to block cancer progression in the breast tissue.  

It is known that the ovaries concentrate a large amount of iodine.  After the thyroid, the ovaries have the second largest concentration of iodine in the body.  Iodine deficiency produces changes in the ovarian production of estrogens as well as changes in the estrogen receptors of the breasts. 

In an iodine-deficient state, research has shown that ovarian estrogen production increases, while estrogen receptors in the breast increase their sensitivity to estrogens.[19] [20]  Both of these conditions will increase the risk of developing pathology of the breasts including breast cancer.

Researchers have reported that the combination of iodine/iodide (e.g., Lugols solution) has been shown to alter gene expression in estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells.  They found that iodine down-regulated (lowered) several estrogen responsive genes.  They also reported that iodine increased BRCA1 activity.  BRCA1 is a gene that modulates estrogen activity in the breast. 

People with abnormalities in BRCA1 are at a markedly increased risk for breast cancer.   Finally, the same researchers reported that iodine/iodide therapy “…could favorably influence the gene expression in breast cancer..”[21] Future research will undoubtedly build on this concept. 

Iodine deficiency is common. At my office my partners and I have tested well over 8,000 patients and our numbers are telling: over 97% are deficient in iodine and most are severely deficient.  Knowing that iodine is responsible for the formation of normal architecture of the glandular tissues, it is no wonder that we are suffering from an epidemic of glandular diseases such as thyroid disorder and breast cancer.

Should everyone take iodine?  It is best to work with an iodine-literate health care practitioner. 

It is also important to educate yourself about iodine.  My book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Cant live Without It” can provide you with the information you need. 




Fluoride, like bromide, is in the family of halogens. For over 50 years, the AmericanDental Association has advocated the addition of fluoride to drinking water as a

preventative measure against dental caries.

However, there is much evidence to suggest that fluoride added to the water supply isineffective at preventing caries. A study in New Zealand found that there was no difference in tooth decay rates between the fluoridated and the non-fluoridated areas.22 This study has been repeated elsewhere. Many European countries have recognized the fallacy of adding fluoride to the water supply and have stopped the practice. The fluoridation of the water supply has been based on terrible science and is causing much more harm than good.

Fluoridation has been linked to dental fluorosis (discoloration of the teeth), hip fractures, bone cancer, lowered intelligence, kidney toxicity, and other negative effects. There have been no studies which prove that long-term ingested fluoride has any positive effect.

Fluoride is known to be a toxic agent. Fluoride has been shown to inhibit the ability

of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine.23 Fluoride was first reported to cause thyroid problems in 1854 when fluoride was found to be a cause of goiter in dogs.24

Research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is iodine

deficiency present. This concept was illustrated in a study of 288 mice where the mice were fed a diet with varying amounts of iodine and fluoride. The researchers found that the incidence of goiter (swelling of the thyroid) rose with the increasing intake of fluoride in a low iodine diet. Furthermore, the scientists found that fluoride exposure correlated directly to lower iodine uptake by the thyroid gland in both iodine-sufficient and iodine-deficient diets.25

The toxicity of fluoride to the thyroid gland was also illustrated when researchers studied the Himalayan people in Nepal. They examined 648 subjects in low iodine areas and concluded that the areas with the highest

fluoride levels in water (0.23ppm) had the highest incidence of goiter–nearly 70%.26

Keep in mind that in the U.S. iodine levels have fallen substantially over the last 40 years. During this same time, most of the U.S. water supply has been fluoridated with fluoride levels averaging about 1ppm—which is substantially higher than the fluoride ingested in the Himalayan study.

Many commonly prescribed medications contain fluoride including the popular SSRI antidepressants such as Paxil and Prozac. Interestingly, there have been reports of this class of antidepressants increasing the risk of breast cancer.27 Many medications that contain fluoride have been pulled from the market due to serious adverse effects.

These include the cholesterol-lowering drug Baycol, Propulsid (for stomach ulcers), Posicor (anti-arrhythmic), Astemizole (allergies), Omniflox (antibiotic), Fen-Phen (weight loss) and many others. Fluoride is still used in many medications, as seen in Table 9 on the next page.

I believe that no medication should contain any toxic halogen, fluoride included. Many fluoridated medications have been recalled due to an increased incidence of serious adverse effects.

More information about the toxicity of fluoride can be found in the book, The Devil’s

Poison by Dean Murphy, DDS. This book is an excellent resource which chronicles

the hazards of fluoride exposure.

Editor’s Note: Also, The Case Against Fluoride, by Dr. Paul Connett, PhD,, &