Masters of Health Magazine March 2023 | Page 73


Like everything else in Nature, the human body must maintain its proper chemical and electrical balance to be healthy.  Pure, structured water, air and breathing, positive/negative ions and gauss, full-spectrum daylight and sunshine, and food/diet rich in protein, EFAs, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins create the most harmonious condition for healing.


Minerals are the ‘spark plugs of life and the basis of all life on this planet.  Each living body cell, including DNA, depends on minerals for its structure and function.  The five major minerals in the human body are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and magnesium.  All of the remaining elements are called trace elements.  The trace elements that have a specific biochemical function in the human body are iron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, and selenium.


Minerals are involved in almost all enzyme activities.  Over 700 identified human enzymes act as catalysts in all intracellular and extracellular chemical processes.  They determine a person’s life span, harvest vitamins and other nutrients from food, and build the body from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.


Mineral levels and ratios determine biochemical balances.  Body chemistry is affected by the environment, climate, toxic metals and chemicals, fluoride and other pollutants, EMFs and radiation, stress, emotions and thoughts, exercise, diet, GMOs, and drugs, including medications.  Biochemical imbalances can contribute to mental and emotional conditions, such as anxiety, fear, depression, hyperactivity, hostility, phobias, and insomnia.  They can also contribute to many physical ailments and diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, digestive problems, constipation, yeast infections, dry skin, poor skin tone, allergies, osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and muscular dystrophy.  Biochemical individuality is also involved.


In addition, a combination of biochemical imbalances can create physical and mental/emotional symptoms.  For example, eating disorders, which cause a person to be ill and lethargic, can contribute to a distorted worldview.  A metabolic pattern combines mineral levels and ratios to reveal how the body responds to stress.  Mineral ratios also represent mineral relationships and balances in the body, i.e., homeostasis.  The best way to determine your mineral levels and ratios is to have a hair analysis.


Early in the twentieth century, Dr. William Albrecht explored the effects minerals had on each other and in the soil and plant life.  This mineral relationship is the same in the human body.  Biochemical balances and imbalances affect the functions of the organs, glands, hormones, and ability to reproduce. 


The relationships between the minerals in the body determine the amount of energy a person has.  All body activities, including cleansing and healing, depend on adequate energy synthesis.  Energy is needed to express love.  A person with sufficient energy abounds with good health, charisma, excitement, and sexual vibrations.  A person lacking energy has difficulty expressing love, is often depressed, has little self-esteem or passion, and has an inhibited personality. 

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment