Masters of Health Magazine March 2023 | Page 10

Part 1 explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life.

Have you noticed the upsurge of interest in frequency and energy medicine? Have you even been hooked up to a frequency medicine machine of late – or do you know friends or family who have been? Have you wondered which ones have a decent scientific evidence base behind them – and which ones don’t appear to?

The reality is that frequency medicine is experiencing a renaissance in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic and there is an increasing diversity of technologies being used. Some of it is being foisted on the public, including sectors of those that have been injured by covid-19 vaccines, in an aggressive way, sometimes by way of multi-level marketing enthusiasts with no training or background in the healthcare professions. Others are touted as miracle cures for absolutely any condition.

Could some of these technologies cause harm – and could others represent one of the key missing links in medicine and health care?

In this feature, we take a deeper diver into what’s going on in this fascinating and often neglected area of medicine, and we hope it might go some way to helping you sort the (gluten-free) wheat from the chaff.

Einstein’s vision of medicine

Considering it is now nearly 120 years ago that Einstein proposed the theory of mass-energy equivalence encompassed by his  general theory of relativity and the world’s most famous equationE = mc2, many would argue, us included, that it is remarkable that energy medicine has not by now become the mainstay of medicine as predicted by Einstein himself.

So why is today’s mainstream system of medicine not the medicine of frequencies? Is it because the science of energy medicine hasn’t progressed sufficiently, or is it because the scientific basis of energy medicine isn’t recognised, or because it hasn’t been demonstrated to be clinically effective, at least consistently enough?

It’s certainly true that the science hasn’t progressed as much as the likes of Einstein, Nikola TeslaAlbert AbramsRoyal Raymond Rife and Fritz-Albert Popp, who were among the pioneers (see Box below) in the emerging field of bioenergetics in the early twentieth century, might have anticipated. Read more about selected pioneers of Frequency Medicine.

Thanks in large part to the engineers, biophysicists and quantum biologists who pioneered the emerging field of frequency medicine (see box above), most of whom were ridiculed, ostracised or dismissed during their lives or posthumously, there is now an increasing understanding within the scientific community that plausible explanations of life must diverge from the prevailing biochemical, molecular, genetic and Newtonian-Cartesian concepts.

Any exploration that seeks to find better or more complete explanations for life lead one to the field of biophysics – itself a discipline of huge diversity, about which there is still little general consensus. It's the findings from this rapidly emerging discipline that consistently reveal that the much studied biochemical and molecular processes in all living systems are entirely dependent on electrical and electromagnetic energies, that have been much less well researched. But this is exactly what one might expect from Einstein’s general theory of relativity, given the interchangeability of energy and matter.

You discover what you look for, and remain ignorant of what you ignore

What has slowed progress in our understanding of these complex interactions between energy and matter is the paucity of research in the application of biophysics and quantum biology to medicine. The result has been a corresponding lack of any cohesive and generally accepted body of evidence demonstrating the mechanisms, or the benefits, of medical or health-related technologies that work with the energy systems of the body.

This, in our view, is entirely down to the lack of concerted research effort and funding for energy medicine – as well as the way scientific communication is controlled by the academic and public-facing media.

Why the whitewash?

Nearly all of mainstream research efforts on the body’s non-molecular based energy systems (i.e. energy that’s not related to the body's biochemical fuel) have been expended on developing specific diagnostic technologies. By contrast, there’s been almost no prioritisation of research by major research institutions that aims to explore how different ways of working with the body’s energy fields might be able to benefit the treatment of disease – or indeed prevent disease.

Accordingly, with very few exceptions, in very few countries (notably Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Russia), mainstream treatment of disease almost entirely excludes consideration of the body’s electromagnetic energy system (biofield).

We know it’s there, but we choose not to see it

By comparison, diagnostics that depend on these energy systems can be found in every hospital. Take, for example, electrocardiographic recordings of the heart’s pulse in electrocardiograms (ECGs) and for assessing heart rate variability (HRV), readings from electroencephalograms (EEGs), magnetoencephalography (MEG) of the brain, magnetoneurography of peripheral nerves, or the now very familiar and much-used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These diagnostic techniques all exploit the body’s bioelectromagnetic system.

It seems that the most viable reason for why this crucial system has been so neglected in terms of its use for treatment is down to the pharmaceutical industry’s purposeful anchoring of treatment modalities in the areas of biochemistry and, more recently molecular biology. This limitation has almost certainly been driven by Big Pharma’s desire to stick with its business with disease model that has been based heavily on ‘medicalising’ different states of health while creating extremely lucrative patents for new-to-nature molecules, justified by biochemical, molecular or genetic mechanisms.


(Part 1) –

Unearthing The Mysteries of Life

Rob Verkerk PhD, ANH founder