A fourth suspicion was in regard to the
Now, having all those suspicions in place, we come to the introduction of the injection that was supposed to end the pandemic once and for all. It was introduced as
Worse, we now see that the injection has more negative side effects than the disease itself. It has been shown in many peer reviewed studies that a person is actually more likely to get the disease after taking the shot than if they just depended on natural immunity. There are actually more deaths among those who have had the shot than those who have opted out.
Even more troubling is the information that we are now receiving from insurance companies, that the all-time, all cause deaths among working age people, 18-54 years, is four times the normal rate. This is described by actuarial calculations, as almost astronomical in probability. All of these deaths have occurred since the introduction of the shot. While the exact causal relationship has not been discovered, there is a clear temporal relationship between the introduction of the injection and this increase in all cause deaths in this younger, working age, population.
What this means is that the risk of taking the injection is much higher than the risk of depending on your own natural immunity process to fend off this virus. This holds true for all age groups with the possible exception of the elderly with co-morbidities. Even then, it should be carefully evaluated.
The claim by the health authorities that the injection was superior to natural immunity has been shown to be false by several recently published, peer reviewed studies. When Dr. Fauci advised people who had already recovered from the disease, to go ahead and get the injection, he was giving false information. Whether he knew it at the time or not is up for debate, but it was false, nonetheless. We now know that natural immunity is far superior to the injection and lasts much longer.
It is now discovered that the injection actually cripples the natural immune system. The crippling becomes much worse with each successive booster as well. So, it seems that these injections are leading to an ever diminishing ability of the body to be able to handle viral infections that come their way.
The really troubling false information came about when these
Several studies have just been published in the first part of 2023 that show beyond a shadow of doubt that these medications are very effective in controlling symptoms of this disease. One wonders how many people died needlessly because
So, my message in presenting these suspicions and discoveries regarding these last three years and this supposed pandemic that enveloped the world is to suggest that we must be students of our times. We cannot afford to place our health decisions into the hands of those who call themselves
At the end of the day, your health belongs to you, and no one should be more interested in how you maintain your health than you. If you are deciding to take the easy route and let someone else make your health decision for you, without doing the research yourself, then you are placing yourself at the mercy of those who have now proven themselves unworthy of your trust.
We must become – Masters of Our Own Health!