Masters of Health Magazine March 2023 | Page 76

Cell permeability refers to the ability of substances to move into or out of the cell by crossing the cell membrane.  Sodium and potassium tend to increase cell exchanges along with the entrance of water-soluble toxins.  Calcium and magnesium tend to reverse this situation.  Thus, balancing these minerals ensures the correct cell permeability, which is vital in maintaining good health.  Mercury or cadmium toxicity or elimination can affect this ratio.



The sodium/magnesium ratio is the adrenal ratio because sodium levels are directly associated with adrenal gland function.  Aldosterone, a mineral corticoid adrenal hormone, regulates sodium in the blood.  The higher the sodium level, the higher the aldosterone level.  This ratio is also a measure of energy output because the adrenal glands are a regulator (along with the thyroid gland) of the rate of metabolism.  Underactive adrenal glands are associated with fatigue, diminished stamina, depression, hypoglycemia, weight fluctuations, poor digestion, inability to tolerate fats and meat protein, and allergies.  Overactive adrenal glands are associated with inflammation, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, hypertension, diabetes, and type A personality. 



A deficiency or toxicity leads to imbalances or inflammation.  Inflammation is the normal reaction to an injury, disease, or the presence of a foreign substance (toxicity).  Swelling, redness, heat, or possibly pain are indications of inflammation.  Sodium levels can increase from cadmium, mercury, copper, iron, or nickel toxicity.  Addressing the cause can reduce or terminate inflammation.  If ignored, it can become a chronic disease.  Acute inflammation generally causes an increase in adrenal activity and the hormone aldosterone.  Aldosterone (sodium) is a pro-inflammatory hormone.  Cortisol and cortisone (potassium) are anti-inflammatory hormones.  The pro-inflammatory (sodium) and anti-inflammatory (potassium) hormones and their related minerals must balance each other for optimum health.



A high copper low zinc ratio is associated with skin problems (acne, psoriasis, slow healing, eczema), tooth decay, emotional instability, spaciness, detached behavior, schizophrenia, urinary tract infection, PMS, reproductive problems, prostatitis, menstrual difficulties, depression, and fatigue.  Severe copper toxicity or bio-unavailability produces emotional instability and zinc deficiency problems such as impotence, slow healing, and loss of taste, smell, appetite, and hair.


Zinc and copper are vital for the function of the reproductive, endocrine, muscular/skeletal, integumentary, and immune systems. 



Grey hair, a symptom of chronic fatigue and exhaustion, may indicate a chemical imbalance and involve too much calcium and zinc in the soft tissues and a deficiency of manganese and iron.


Poor hair growth and loss are symptoms of a sodium/potassium inversion, which creates protein catabolism (breakdown) and sugar/simple carbohydrate sensitivity.


Migraine headaches and schizophrenia are related to high levels of copper and iron in the body.


Thyroid and adrenal gland dysfunction, kidney damage, hearing and vision loss, neurological damage, and birth defects are associated with mercury toxicity.


Diabetes (type 2) is related to chromium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin B6 deficiencies.  Obesity is associated with chronic blood sugar imbalances.  Chromium and zinc help to regulate blood sugar levels. 


Side effects women experience from birth control pills can be alleviated with chromium, zinc, vitamins B6 and E, and folic acid.


A diminished sense of smell and taste, proper healing, retarded bone development, or malformed sex organs are symptoms of a zinc deficiency. 


Acne can indicate lead or copper poisoning as well as zinc deficiency. 


Anemia, atherosclerosis, demyelination of nerves, diarrhea, edema, fatigue, hair loss, impaired collagen formation, loss of hair color, low hormone production, and osteoporosis are symptoms associated with a copper deficiency.

Strokes, tooth decay, and urinary tract infections are related to copper toxicity.


Doctors often diagnose heart attacks by the amount of manganese in the body.


Epilepsy, leukemia, heart disease, kidney disorders (stones, etc.), osteoporosis, depression, neurological conditions, inflammation, and numerous other diseases are related to  magnesium deficiency.  See Magnesium Extraordinaire in the October 2022 issue of Masters of Health magazine.


Cancer can indicate beryllium, lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, or arsenic poisoning.

Many of the problems associated with manic depression can be alleviated with lithium, magnesium, iodine, EFA’s in balance, and full spectrum light/sunshine.


Brain damage, lower I.Q., depression, behavioral problems, and multiple sclerosis are associated with lead toxicity. 


Fluoride leaches lead out of pipes, which exacerbates the problem of lead toxicity.  It also blocks the uptake and production of iodine in the thyroid gland leading to many illnesses.  Adding it to water supplies is reckless and defies all logic.  Birth defects, lower I.Q., obesity, depression, heart disease, bone loss, osteoarthritis, joint and bone pain, osteoporosis, thyroid disease, and some types of cancer are symptoms of iodine deficiency and fluoride toxicity. 



Eating the wrong foods can be as damaging as taking the wrong supplements.  Eating for one’s blood type enhances the outcome of every diet.  


Supplements can be very beneficial, but taking them without knowing what the body needs may do more harm than good over the long term.  Too much of one element can be as detrimental as too little.  Since each mineral affects every other mineral, if one mineral is out of balance it impacts all other minerals, which starts a chain reaction of mineral imbalances and illnesses.


For example, if a person takes an iron supplement, sodium and potassium levels increase; magnesium, calcium, and zinc levels decrease; nitrogen levels decrease (protein breaks down); copper levels decrease (at levels below 1.0, the person moves into a cancer danger zone); and manganese levels increase.  Iron destroys vitamin E, which damages sex hormone development in the fetus.  Manganese, in balance with iron, can make a person feel powerful – physically and emotionally, and also angry.


Determining mineral patterns, ratios, and levels is the basis of a healthy nutritional program and is necessary for body chemistry balancing.  Keep in mind that mineral ratios are more important than mineral levels.  Also, toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, arsenic, and aluminum disrupt body chemistry.

 As the body balances its chemistry, it will get well in the reverse order of the same way it became ill.  This is called retracing.