Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 95

by Steve Rees, Ret. RN, Harpist

Fight Of Our Lives

Over the past almost 2 years, I have been delving into the science to give you some facts to help provide the confidence to navigate this medical apocalypse that has descended upon the whole world. In the beginning, we didn’t have as much knowledge as we do now to understand how this illness was operating. Now, we have so much more understanding and many more studies that should give us confidence that our lives are no more threatened than in any other typical flu season. Rather than give you more facts in this article, I am going to share some of my thoughts about how this whole thing has been handled.

From the beginning I felt that there was no cause for alarm. I am trained as a Registered Nurse and have dealt with infectious diseases throughout my whole career. I have been trained in the proper use of and disposal of masks and other personal protection equipment and have used them many times. The guidance from the health officials from day one has been contrary to that training. Plus, it has been changed multiple times; sometimes 180 degrees; almost enough to give you whiplash trying to keep up.

The one article I wrote several months back on Mass Formation, indicated that about 30% of the population are fully on board with the protocols handed down from the medical authorities. Another 40% are just going along so that they don’t stand out. The other 30% are those who know better and refuse to allow others to make decisions for them even if they are the official government representative.

What I want to do here and now is to challenge you to engage in the fight of our lives. The 40% who just go along can be influenced to see the light of truth if someone will just be willing to be patient with them and present reasonable facts and resources for them to consider. They are not totally sold out to the agenda and have had legitimate questions all along. They have just been too timid or afraid to ask. This 40% is where we need to focus our attention. Don’t waste your time on the other 30%. They are sold out to the official narrative and will believe that white is black if the authorities tell them it is so.

Enter into conversations with these 40% people and begin to steer them into reliable resources such as Dr. Malone:  If you have the time, I suggest that you listen to the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Malone:  because Dr. Malone actually holds patents on the process of how to make the mRNA injections and probably knows more about the safety and efficacy than any other human on the planet. If you want to get accurate information, go to the source and the experts, not the bureaucrats and politicians and especially not the mainstream media.

Dr. Mike Yeadon:

Dr. Peter McCullough:

Dr. Joseph Mercola has a daily news email:

Dr. Simon Gold and America’s Frontline Doctors:  is very informative and well footnoted. America’s Frontline Doctors also has great news reviews as well as videos and a regular email to sign up to.

 Dr. Pierre Kory also has wonderful scientific information at