Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 68

Neuroplasticity -

You’re Never Too Old


Over the last few decades there has been focused attention on understanding the brain. The findings are that your brain is amazingly resilient, it is capable of creating new neurons, and more importantly, it can create new connections.

This ability of the brain to rewire itself on an ongoing basis is called neuroplasticity, and it means that your brain and your body aren’t static. You can grow and you can change, regardless of what medical prognosis you’ve been given or how old you are. If you’re learning, you’re growing, and so is your brain. 


Specifically, we all have dendrites or appendages on our nerve cells that are designed to receive communications from other cells.

As you learn new things, such as learning to use your body or mind in a new way by taking up a new interest or hobby, these dendrites go out and form new connections with different areas of the brain.

Whenever and whatever you learn over time, you are creating more and more connections. Every time you create a new habit, you are creating more connections. So, make it a healthy habit!


Optimize Your Brain and Nervous System Health

From the 100 Year Lifestyle perspective, we know this means that you can constantly reinvent yourself over time, regardless of your age. Neuroplasticity also means that there is no one size fits all definition of aging.

The more connections you are creating, the greater your neuroplasticity will be and the less likely you are to get dementia. Your brain will support you in improving your memory and attention over time, regardless of your age. We now know that’s what the brain is actually wired to do.


The fact is that neuroscience is about making people’s lives better, day to day, moment to moment.

There is a lot of information in my conversation with Dr. Sullivan, and I encourage you to listen if you’re interested in learning more about how to keep your mind agile. A very interesting detail is that by keeping your mind active and growing, you are also benefiting your body.

The mind-body connection is a fact. By keeping your cells communicating through learning and a healthy lifestyle (including regular chiropractic care) you will flourish regardless of your age. 


At 100 Year Lifestyle we say that your body’s innate intelligence will organize around the thoughts that you think, the choices that you make, and the lifestyle that you live. 


In a recent detailed study done by Dr. Sullivan and her colleagues, they found that individuals who were older didn’t tend to decline in their health if they’d been under chiropractic care for a period of time. 


The beauty and the power of the body and the brain are that they can heal. Regardless of where you are in your health journey right now, know that it’s not too late.

You can begin living your 100 Year Lifestyle right now. Where you are doesn’t have to be where you stay. The best can absolutely be yet to come with understanding and action! 

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