Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 61



Do you suffer from shortness of breath?  The many causes include asthma, lung or pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure or cardiac ischemia, lack of exercise, panic disorder or anxiety, smoke, exposure to wifi and other EMFs.  Exposure to pollution can also cause shortness of breath.  None-the-less, the lungs, like other organs, can heal if given the right condition and nutrients.


After checking your air quality, hydration, sunshine vitamin D level, and exposure to EMFs, insure that you are getting a good amount of natural vitamin A in your diet on a daily basis.  The other important thing to check is the type of oils you are consuming. 

Damaged fats/oils (e.g., canola, soy, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, etc.) can cause breathing difficulties and impair lung function.  These damaged oils also disrupt the body’s hormonal balance.  Too much or an imbalance of omega 6 EFA (essential fatty acid), from vegetable oils, can cause a deficiency in omega 3 EFA, which is a vital nutrient necessary for breathing and lung health.  One of the main causes of asthma and lung disease is a severe vitamin A deficiency.  Oily skin is another symptom of a vitamin A deficiency.  Dry skin indicates a calcium build up in the soft tissues and possible thyroid disease. 



Natural vitamin A helps to protect all the mucus membrane linings in the body.  NOTE: Be sure to use natural vitamin A, which does not cause the harmful effects that occur from synthetic vitamin A.  AVOID synthetic vitamin A.  Various breathing techniques such as the Buteyko Breathing Exercises and the Wim Hof method can be very beneficial in building healthy lung function and healing.




What condition are your eyes in?  Do you have 20/20 vision or close to it?  Are you near sighted or farsighted?  Do you need reading glasses?  Do you see floaters? 


Loss of eyesight or blindness are early symptoms of type 2 diabetes (faulty sugar metabolism).  So, if your eyesight is deteriorating, improve your sugar metabolism by rebuilding your adrenals and pancreas; by eliminating refined sugar and carbs and damaged oils; and consuming a nutritious, high fiber diet with quality protein and EFAs in balance, especially omega 3.


Macular degeneration can be a symptom of Lutein and Zeaxanthin (carotenoids) deficiency.  Blurry vision can be a symptom of eye strain. 


Using quality essential oils can be very helpful


alleviating stress