Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 29

community involved in developing GM biocontrols, therefore needs to demonstrate a highly precautionary attitude…

Unfortunately, self-spreading vaccine research continues to proceed today, even though there are no new scientific or regulatory advances effectively countering the risk. Furthermore, the technology is readily available to produce self-spreading viral vaccines. Both enthusiastic well-wishers, or malevolent adversaries can use this technology.

The Science article concludes:

“Without appropriate precautionary measures from the scientific and international communities, self-spreading viruses for environmental release could arguably be developed very quickly, with limited funding or expertise and with potentially irreversible consequences for the planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and environments. . .

Only a concerted, global governance effort with coherent regional, national, and local implementation can tackle the challenges of self-spreading viruses that have the potential to radically transform both wildlife and human communities.”

We could not agree more.

Article Summary by Founder & Executive Director Jeffrey Smith of Risky Research Eroding Norms on Release of GM Self-spreading Viruses.

CONTACT Institute for Responsible Technology

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