Water Journal: Throughout nature, water plays pivotal roles. Yet there had been no single venue in which the wisdom gained in studying water within one discipline is readily available to those studying water within other disciplines. The goal of this open-access research journal, WATER, of which Pollack is Founding Editor-in-Chief, is to remedy that problem. After all, water is water, regardless of discipline. The journal serves as a communication hub among diverse disciplines dealing with water. It welcomes scholarly contributions and strives for collective learning.
Water Conference: Initiated in 2005 and run annually since then, the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water brings together leading scientists from all over the world to present their latest findings on the mysteries of water. Pollack runs the conference. The conference venue shifted from Vermont initially, to Bulgaria later, and now to Germany. This informal, people-friendly conference has become the signpost for new findings involving the enigmatic substance that is water. All are welcome.
Fourth-Phase, Inc.: Out of the Pollack laboratory has come various technologies that have potentially huge benefits for humanity. To develop these technologies, Pollack and colleagues recently formed a company, 4th-Phase, Inc.
At present, the technologies include a “filterless filter” that produces essentially contaminant-free water by collecting EZ water;and, an electrical-energy-producing device based on charge separation between the EZ and the region beyond.
University of Washington Annual Faculty Lectureship. In 2008, Pollack was selected among all 4,000 University of Washington faculty members to receive this annual award. While the material is slightly dated, the lecture (58:08) introduces the principal features of Pollack’s findings on water.
Gerald H. Pollack, PhD. Professor of Bioengineering