Interestingly, viruses use the same receptors as these neuropeptides to enter into a cell and depending on how much of the natural peptide there is present, the virus will have either an easier or harder time entering a cell. This means that the state of our emotions will have an effect on the level of neuropeptides produced and thus whether we succumb to a viral infection or not. It can be deduced from this that when one is in a certain emotional state such as an elevated mood, they may be protected against certain viruses. In 1990, Hall’s study showed that psychological factors such as relaxation and guided imagery, self-hypnosis, biofeedback, and autogenic training, could directly affect the cellular function of the immune system i.e. the stickiness of the white blood cells as measured by saliva and blood tests.20 And knowing that cancer is tightly linked with the immune system, it’s easy to extrapolate that our emotions may be linked with cancer development. The immune system is what’s responsible for the constant destroyal of erroneous cancer cells that are developing in each one of us at every moment.
Based on an analyses of over 1,500 cases of radical remission of cancer patients and research in 10 different countries, Kelly Turner, PhD, found that there were 9 common healing factors in most of these remission cases. 21 Only two of the nine factors were physical (diet and supplements) and the remaining seven all had to do with emotions, mind-body connection, and spirituality, i.e. releasing suppressed emotions, increasing positive emotions, taking control of your health, following your intuition, embracing social support, deepening your spiritual connection, and having strong reasons for living.
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is one mind-body intervention developed in the early 1980s that helps to reduce stress. In a recent 2017 study, researchers found that cancer patients who had NET treatment, their reactivity in a number of brain structures associated with the perception of emotional traumas was reduced on fMRI brain imaging compared to those who didn’t get the NET treatment. This study result shows that NET works to reduce stress on a physiological level and that it has potential in the treatment of cancer by reduction of emotional distress in patients.22